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How about Aro arm male plug to Urika in arm board? What changes were needed there for plug?

Oh I see. Peter must have modified the small captive arm lead of the Urika for the small Aro Plug.

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Peter makes up a purpose built connector with a flying lead that connects between the ARO’s flying plug and the Urika’s arm connector. The body for the connector is 3D printed and the male multi pin plug within that is hand assembled by Peter. The wires used are IIRC Van Den Hul (or was it Cardas?) but if you’d like the full and accurate explanation, best talk to Peter Swain @Cymbiosis


Thanks, all is clear :slight_smile:

Beautiful! The Aro and PU7/PU7ti are the the best arms I’ve heard on the LP12

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Checking Naim’s website for serial numbers and this Aro is 57xxx which make it late 89’, so about 33 1/3 years old. It’s a sign!!!

In combo with the KeelA, the Aro is just transformatory to my vinyl experience at home. The old cliche about rediscovering familiar recordings applies, but falls well short of describing it. Albums I’ve played hundreds of times sound like new, almost live recordings, which is just extraordinary really. I’ve not experienced this phenomenon with digital. An ND 555 is transformationally better than lesser digital, but it still sounds like the same recording, just so much better resolved which transforms the listening experience, but it doesn’t sound like a ‘different’ performance.
Looking forward to the next 5-10 years playing my way through my vinyl collection…


Very nice indeed Kevin.

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Welcome to the Aro club! If you don’t mind me asking, did you already have the TP arm lift, or was Peter able to provide from stock?

Hi Clive,
Peter is now making the armlifters up himself, from a Rega lever mechanism plus other parts that he’s been able to have manufactured by a precision engineering firm. I believe Johnny A of Audio Origami fame was involved somewhere in making that happen. I think Peter posted something on the @Cymbiosis facebook page a little while ago about them.


Thanks for that, Kevin. I’ll have to have a look at one next time I go to Cymbiosis. It might make it possible to play 7” and 10” discs - not a risk I’m prepared to take when cueing by hand!


Hi, can I ask about the Booplinth. Did it work as well as expected. Thanks

Yes it did. I found it gave a lot more detail and made the music even easier to follow. No down sides in my opinion apart from the cost. Personally I like the finish too.

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Please keep her looking the same, your LP12 is so stylish

The internals are a different ball game

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Yes definitely, I love the way it looks and it is in such good condition. Internally I don’t know what I want to do yet. I will discuss it with my Linn/NAIM dealer and take his advice.


If anyone’s interested, the ITV series Made In Britain featured the LP12 last month.

You can watch it on the ITV Hub, either online or on your TV, but you’ll need to create an account:


If you look up New Yorkshire Workshop on You Tube you can see an Lp 12 plinth being made, but the real gem is the plinth for the Garrard 301, that is serious craftsmanship.

Please watch to the end - it s worth it.


HiFi Choice have done a giant test for turntable packages around the 3.5K mark.

Acoustic Solid, Linn Majik LP12, Luxman, Origin Live, Rega P10, Technics SL-1200G.

and the winner is the Linn Majik! :slight_smile:


In blue , reading the review it comes over as the most satisfying - though I think if you had any of them , you would be happy .

Suspect these days, very few dealers stray beyond Linn, Rega and Michell for serious high end

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I actually quite liked the blue (or is it cyan?) but also in a huge range of colours e.g.


My choice would be in yellow or lime green

4 - Yellow_Pantone 1375 C

As I’ve got older for some reason I have started liking vibrant colours