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I’ve had it all these years. I upgraded it to a Valhalla spec and later changed the arm to the Ittok from a Linn Basik LVV. I also changed the plinth at one point .
All the spare parts I gave to a friend who swapped them on th his Thorens TD 150., along with a Linn armboard.
I think it was an easy mod , no cutting or drilling needed.
The Supex (thanks for the spell check) has just been re-instated after sitting in a box for thirty years.
My Asak finally died.


Nice. I wish I’d got an Ittok for mine back in the day. I could only afford an Akito 1 but the bearings didn’t last.

Well, since we’re doing lids up, AROs on:


I can’t use my lid while playing a record, it touches the finger lift!

Linn lowered the lid height and its not high enough to accomodate the aro playing with a linn cart, probably deliberate.

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That would be a bit nasty wouldn’t it?

you sure ?
Looks like a spring collapsed…

No, not good.

Wow, what a view! (LP12 and background)


That’s quite easily solved by changing the angle of the first bend in the finger lift. This was done on mine when it was initially installed.

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I have an Akito 1 and had the bearings repaired and the arm upgraded by Audio Origami about 3 or 4 years ago. He said it should do me for another 20 or 30 years and is now at Ittok or possibly Ekos level with the upgrade.

Maybe I should have got rid and got an Ekos mk1 or 2.

The Lp12 sounds very very good. Will hang on to the arm for a while longer!

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As AlanJ says, all sorted long ago and easy to fit as no soldering necessary. However, the Radikal will give great results on a top shelf if you can spare the room and in that situation I’d continue to use the straight plugs for best cable dressing options. Within the Fraim/on a shelf lower down then ideally you need right-angled plugs ot avoid contact with the rear leg/spacer on the Fraim.
KR, Peter


Nice plinth but Mose too close to the LP12 and arm. Any way you can home the Mose elsewhere within your system?

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Mario, if important to you, you can off-set(bend) the finger-lift a little and compensate with the appropriate azimuth weight adjustment. :slight_smile:

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Hi sweet.bippy - Never forget that view :blush: - Hope you are doing ok in the Big Apple :+1:
KR, Peter

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Thanks for the advice on that. I now have enough IsoBlue racks that it would be entirely possible. Back then it was my only choice. The LP12 and PSU are in storage, as I’ve used a Well-Tempered Amadeus GTA for a few years (and now, just for fun, have a Clearaudio Concept with the Satisfy arm). At some point when life is a little less hectic, I’ll get it out and have it re-tuned. Really appreciate that point in moving it, though. Cheers!

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Thanks Peter. I’m very happy to leave it where it is and enjoy the visual benefit of seeing my only
2 Linn components side by side😂


Hiya Peter,

Great to hear from you! Hope you and yours are doing well, too. We’re definitely ready to start traveling again – I imagine you may be feeling the same way!


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A very tidy, original and basic LP12, the only upgrade (so far) is a Mose Hercules and shiny platter.
Please don’t scold me for polishing my platter as it looks a darn sight better than the tarnished state it was in at time of purchase. Also apologies for pic quality, I will do better when it comes out of storage.