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I agree that getting an LP12 serviced by a professional is well worth doing but did not realise that Linn has a league table of dealers :grinning:

All the best,



Black ash wasn’t fluted.

There’s a couple on Ebay that are…I can’t remember how far back fluted Black Ash goes (I was never a fan of the BA finish) but I’m not sure it was never in fluted…

I am not sure that Black was Fluted… :thinking:

A long time ago so my memory may be lacking but the standard lp12 was fluted afromosia teak. They then launched two extra finishes which were not fluted. Black ash and one other, I think walnut but can’t be sure. After that many other finishes were added over the years. Which were available fluted and which not became confused for me as more and more specialist builders came along with their own variations.

I agree. Aftermarket plinths maybe?

No, just Linn’s own, from the 80’s. No aftermarket stuff back then.

As @bruss says - Black (Ash) was plain. Walnut was another option - not sure or plain or fluted…?

I don’t know. Because I’ve never much liked Black Ash (apart from my Kans; I opted for the wood finish in my old Cambridge A60) I never took much notice of the plinth options (I had Afromosia).

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That… Is the correct answer…!


Plain in my day.

Approx year…?

Boxed up in the loft now. Can’t bring myself to let it go…

Now your asking. 80’s post 86 iirc. I would have gone for the black if it was available fluted at launch. Settled for afromosia because the two new finishes were only available non fluted.

Valhalla was new in 1982. Lots of fiddly stuff, then Lingo in 1990.

There is a History on Class A’s Linn page.

Quick internet search and pf contributor has a different memory to mine.

ThomasOK (2019-11-06) Wrote:All afromosia plinths were fluted whereas only early rosewood or black were fluted. Linn realized early on that the fluting took away from the beauty of rosewood and its often dramatic grain and went to the flat style. They did the same for the black leaving the afromosia the only fluted plinth for many years. I believe that the walnut was also fluted when first introduced but was likely changed to flat around the time the cherry and rosenut plinths came in. The afromosia plinths were made into at least 1996 but were gone by mid-1997 when Linn brought the cherry and rosenut plinths into the line, both also with flat front and sides. So at that point fluted plinths likely stopped to exist from Linn. Rosewood was discontinued sometime before October 1991, the oldest price list I have.”

When I bought mine the black and an other (walnut?) was not available fluted.


I know that the man likes to behave as if he were Linn’s number one dealer, but I wonder if sales figures exist to back him up.

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Does he? From what I’ve seen on here there’s a fanbase that seems to think you can’t get a decent setup anywhere else.
There are other good dealers too. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yup. The Dealer near Leicester happens to be my nearest dealer - and carries both Linn & Naim, which helps (me). But - there are lots of other good Linn dealers, I am sure.

There is a limited amount of Magick & Faerie Dust inside an LP12 - which no one person has a monopoly on… :thinking:

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From what I’ve read they are recommendations rather than running down every other dealer

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Yes but the recommendation comes even if the owner lives in Thurso. :confused: