Show us Your Tablette 10

@Lewis Your cable support looks a bit like the old Naim logo, but upside down!

Thanks, so it does! It’s actually inspired by the pacman character and the sizing by the control dials on the old CB gear :slight_smile:

I would say, between 20 and 25 square meters

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these are copy of well known stands but I can’t remember which one

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Those cable lifters support could make for a fortune, package of two or four with a lovely CB finish with a white or green logo.

These are my own design and crafted from wood.

Re Tab 10’s I thought they were an old design are Proac still doing them new?

i agree…

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The T10 was introduced in 2017 I believe, with the Signature version arriving a little later. The original Tablette was introduced in 1979.

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You want to try the Tab 10 Signatures different beast to the regular Tab 10 which is a good speaker but the Sigs raise the bar for how a small modestly priced speaker sounds quite considerably.

I remember the rave of the original Tablettes and I purchased them instantly back then.
They did the complete “disappearing act” which was new for me by then.
I think I used a valve Audio Innovation amp.
Explored Naim later on and the rest is history as they say.

Tried Tab 10 in my other house, room too large it was no success.

They are never going to fill a large room at disco levels. With my hearing issues I can’t listen loud any more and for what I want they are perfect. No speaker is for everyone of course.


They do look lovely I must say. Nice clean simple design. Gahhh there are too many cool bits of HiFi to try out I need to get rich! :smiley:

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My plan was to get the phenomenal Tablette 50 with my Nait 3 in 1999 but they had been discontinued before I was ready to pull the trigger. Their replacement, the 2000 were not so good with less articulation (most notably with classical music) and they were returned to the dealer in matter of weeks in favor of their much better floor standers the Response 1.5.

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ok, remember, Target MR inspiration :wink:

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Valentine’s day


Did you buy a bunch of flowers for your speakers as you love them so much? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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No, actually they’re just good friends…



no, it’s for my wife :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Well I did buy it and it sounds great on your old SL2s too. I have listened to it all the way through twice since lunchtime. It’s a very odd collection of music though and one of the tracks made my cat get off my lap and go and sit in front of the left hand speaker, looking expectantly for whatever it was he thought was about to appear.



There could be a whole thread on cat’s reactions to certain pieces of music, I have to play Wish You Were Here when she’s asleep on the bed upstairs and yesterday Mrs Houdini showed her displeasure at London Grammar …

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