Show us Your Tablette 10

Partly, ok wholly(!), inspired by this forum, I’ve requested a home demo of the Signature’s in Walnut and a Supernait 3 to try out for a couple of weeks.
Arriving Tuesday and very much looking forward to hearing what they are capable of.

@anon4489532 you really should be on commission!


I’ll have some tab 10 sig to demo soon too because of this thread - Nigel’s setup is really my inspiration :sweat_smile:

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Ha! How do you know I’m not? I did joke with ProAc that once I posted a picture on the Forum whether there would be an uptick in sales. The Tabs are one of their biggest sellers so I doubt they would notice.

I was inspired to get mine by @GraemeH ’s setup. He has a white pair and they look lovely. The pair I had on trial were white but it was’t right for our room. I was quite keen on the Ebony finish but that wouldn’t look right either. I really wanted maple but they don’t do that any more so in the end it was boring oak.


That’s interesting. I’d have thought that the B&Ws would be a far better speaker, excellent as the little ProAcs are. May I ask what prompted this experiment?

I’m after some speaker that can be sited to near wall since I have limited space. They are going to be in another apartment at my home town. The room is around 2.75m x 3m where I believe the tab 10s will sound good there.

Just listening to this album now, not on my Tabs as I cant get in the front room, but on one of headphone rigs. Really like it, thanks for posting it.

Mine have arrived, although have been working home so haven’t had a chance to set them up in the office.


Does anyone have experience or feedback with the Tablette Anniversary model. My understanding is this was the last model to be rear ported. Todays Tablette 10 and Signature version are both the first Tablettes to be sealed boxes. Even though I am happy with my original Super Tablettes from 1988 - now doing the business in a second system fronted by a newly AVO restored Nait 2, I am still having ProAc dreams.



Gregg, what is your source?

I have used Tab 10s and Tab 10 Sigs on a Nait 2 restored by AVO and they were great.

Source is a Chord Qutest - also from AVO
I am extremely happy with my second system of Nait2/Qutest/SuperTablettes. I have owned the SuperTablettes since 1988 - although they have been in the closet for the past 15 years. I have found some new old stock Tablette Anniversary’s so I am, obviously, curious


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Did you go standard or ultimate on the Nait 2 restoration, Gregg ?

Hi James
Standard rebuild however Chris West did add some “special sauce”. Forum rules most likely prevent me from going into detail however let’s just say my volume control is now rather special.



Nice :+1:

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Now that you have had some time with the Tablette 10s what distance from the rear wall and how far apart did you settle on.

Thanks for any reply.

They are six feet apart, tweeter to tweeter. The insides of the speakers are three inches from the wall, and then toed in a bit. Don’t place too much reliance on the distance apart though, as my left ear conked out last year and I relied on Mrs HH to help with the imaging and she doesn’t really do HiFi! They do sound wonderful though, with bass depth that a small speaker really shouldn’t be capable of, and are incredibly tight and fast with not a hint of boom.

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I’ve had a brand new pair of the Tab 10’s since last Tuesday on home demo with a Supernait 3 (fully run in).

They’ve been on for around 80 hours now. Mostly at low volume in the background while I’m working from home, with around 2-3 hours a night being played at more normal listening levels.

My only concern so far so is that I’m finding them a tad harsh on the top end which can be quite fatiguing on the ears after a couple of hours, depending the what type of music I’m listening to.

Did any of you guys find this to be the case with your tabs when fresh out of the box?

How many hours should I expect for them to sound fully run in?

Kind regards,

It could be run in but I it’s possible that the QuTest is showing its true colours.

Your right that is a possibility. Can’t say I’ve come across any compatibility issues with Chord and Naim on this forum however.

It’s a shame my dealer didn’t have a pair with plenty of hours on them.

They take a long time to run in and open up. I had a well used demo pair to try, which had been really well used. When I ordered a pair ProAc told me to bear in mind that they would sound different to the run in pair. My own pair are now three months old and are so different to how they were when brand new. I have the Signature, which is a bit different but has the same treble unit. The treble quality will be affected by toe in and will be brighter if they are pointing straight at your head.

Thanks Nigel, that’s good to know. Mine are also the signature.

I’m hoping it’s just a case of not being run in enough as I’m happy with the rest of the performance.

Mine are barely toed in.

Luckily my dealer is in no rush for their return so that helps.