Show us Your Tablette 10

I do wish you would all stop with posting about the tablette 10 because as soon as covid lock down ends I’m going to have to go and have a listen to this little gem and maybe borrow a pair and some stands for home demo
I’ve always loved stand mounts as to floorstanding speaker’s but the wife doesn’t like stands but there are ways around a black metal stand I thought with my old avi Pro9 plus I’d found a good speaker but the tablette sounds as though it could be better


Unfortunately the tabs and the Supernait 3 I had on demo for the last few weeks were returned to the dealer today.
Lovely little pair of speakers, but not for me I’m afraid.

My initial concern of them being slightly fatiguing was solved by a change of interconnect and speaker cable.

The main reason for returning them was they just lacked a bit of oomph. Which is of course entirely understandable considering their size.

I see what you mean about size and oomph, but even with the volume up did you notice anything different???
How was the sound stage was it wide and open???

Did you try the Signatures or regular tabs as I did find a big difference between them in the oomph dept. But they are never going to deliver over much bigger standmounts or floorstanders. Mine don’t lack too much oomph in my room though 5m X 4m, placement nearer the wall reinforces the oomph too much. I’m surprised at how big they sound given their size.

That’s the reason I changed my Tab 10’s for PMC 25.21s. Tabs are beautifully voiced and particularly on vocal/acoustic music they are astonishing. But ask them to rock out and they struggled. Other people’s mileage may vary

It was when I started turning the volume up for rock music that I felt they started to struggle.

Soundstage was great, no complaints there.

I had the signatures and I placed them around 15cm from the wall.

Agree with you regarding vocals, very impressive.

I also tried a pair of ATC SCM11’s, which I actually preferred due to their pace/timing but had to dismiss them as they could sound rather boomy on occasion.

I should add that this was nothing to do with the speakers and more to do with my acoustically challenged living room (sofa/listening position is in the middle of an alcove).

I predominantly listen to guitar based rock music and not noticed this at all. That said I don’t play at very high levels as I would not have my neighbours as friends for very long but I get it loud enough for my listening these days.

Infact it’s there handling of one particular rock album that’s one of my favourites that made me buy them over all the others I had tried. No doubt a bigger box would deliver more but in my space which is not overly small anything larger seems to overpower the room and it all becomes unruly. All in check with the tabs. Definitely not for large rooms though I guess.

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I’ve acquired some used tablet 10 signature from my friend - solid steel stands also just arrived. The tab 10 are paring with ATOM. I found they’re easier to drive than Harbeth p3esr.

Acquiring the tab 10 was inspired by following this thread especially from GraemeH and HH :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Glad to hear that they are doing it for you - they just couldn’t quite do it for me. I had the standard Tabs so perhaps the Signatures make the difference

Not a huge difference between the two the sigs go slightly deeper.

Have a much better midrange to especially for rock which made all the difference. I compared them both and I found the difference was not subltle at all on any track I was using to demo, the Sigs where substantially better on all counts.

Exactly the same setup as me, even down to the colour of them.

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I’ve owned both. Purchased the original Tab when it was launched in white then fancied a cherry pair so purchased the sigs, both used with a NAP250DR.
Okay the sigs are better but it’s not night and day maybe with a 250 up them pushed both to their limits.

Not night and day but it was noticable without having to focus. It just flowed so much better and handled it all effortlessly. Drum licks that seemed off time or hidden came through and timed perfectly, the guitars had way more depth, vocals much clearer and defined. I used a very wide range of tracks covering most of my listening types some very heavy some more layered with lots going on, down to simple acoustic and vocals and was surprised at how well they handled the full range of styles compared to all the rest, some that where larger, all the ported ones just chuffed along to and sounded like small speakers, these and the regular tabs sounded much bigger with the Sigs sounding much bigger again.

Hey Bandit, what is your speaker cable ?

What a lovely finish. The dark ones would look wrong in our room so we have boring oak. I was listening to a Thomas Strønen album yesterday - he’s a Norwegian jazz drummer - and the speed of some of the drum hits was astounding. The speakers really are fast. It’s how drums sound of course but most speakers cannot do it.


One reason I’m looking into them is the neighbours, I posted a question about sound proofing and came to the conclusion it’s impracticable to do ,so next is down sizing the speakers

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I listen to a lot of jazz. Despite their size the speakers - the Signature version anyway - portray a very convincing upright bass, even at modest levels. They give a lovely room filling sound - in my room anyway, which is quite modest at 4.5m by 3.6m. Having a Supernait 3 probably helps a lot here.

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