Statements/ Solstice show

Your impression is right. The rack is Charlin ( Roboli) and the additional base, not pictured here, was a Charlin base, made with wood and some mini ceramic balls.

Please forgive my ignorance, but the Charlin comes across to me as more of a piece of aesthetic furniture rather than an engineered HiFi stand :relaxed:

I think there is something to be investigated with FR’s comments regarding the Fraim rack.

It would seem that HiFi benches are quite popular and I get that some people prefer those aesthetics over a HiFi rack, like the Fraim, for example. After all, Naim Is not just for Christmas but a life style choice, see Naim Muso.

So the question would be how to implement dedicated rack isolation engineering into HiFi bench style furniture?

It weighs 180 kg . Not sure people would buy a cosmetic rack weighting such a lot. It costs 7500 euros.

Apparently that was part of the design brief for the footprint of the Solstice according- if I remember correctly - to Sircom’s recent review.

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I’m not surprised considering the mass of the bench itself

I very much prefer to see Statement with Naim cables during a demo :relaxed:

I begin to understand :joy:

Day 4:

Some differences: the speakers sit now on spikes and some wood couplers.
The power cables are powerline.
I heard “ Camille” first album, through lp then Nd555/ one ps. ( Tidal 16/44).
The Nd555 was more resolving, with a better defined bass.
Then a Stan Getz mobile fidelity album on 45 pm. Very nice sounding, the voices had a true humanity.

I don’t know how well the Eaglestone works can marry with Naim. And the Statements had only 4 days run in.
On Camille tracks, both lp and digital, some brightness was still present.
Apparently the Statements need at minimum 10 days 24/24 run in to really sound optimal.


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My eyes were more on the Statements….Such a beauty!


My dealer has a lot of very fine Naim gear in stock, including the Solstice which benefits from SuperLumina cabling, but the lesser systems are all connected with ubiquitous Nordøst wires. I have tried to find NAC A5 but it’s been literally hidden and forbidden. Margins on the Nordøst must be huge.
Corporate mentality is unpredictable and variable. When they installed the Solstice the system ended with a wonderful pair of Canton Reference 1K speakers, but the public demo had to be done with Focal ones, with some loss in overall quality in my opinion.
What’s the use of demoing an important product without caring to match it perfectly and thinking of absolute bull***t like cable risers is beyond me.


There’s always the original Naim recommendation of RS 56 strand “hook up” cable with a 5 twists every metre or so. It should work out around £4 per metre.

There is that -
Well I recall the pleasures of cobbling that together for customers and the gruesomely anorak touch it gave to a system.

We also used to disassemble BASIK cartridges and Superglue the coils (and our fingers).

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This Solstice/ Statements show gives me some questions now, specially about the S1 NAC Monos:
Are the Statements need really 10 days continuous run in to come on song?
Are the brightness and hardness of tones I heard really due to that, because I heard the system running only 5 days?
Or the Eaglestone works are not a good match?
If the 10 days run in are mandatory, it can be a real problem when there are thunderstorms or holidays, when it’s necessary to turn all off.

If not the speakers then perhaps the non-Naim cables? When I’ve heard the Statement with the cables it was designed to work best with by Naim it usually sounded astonishing, to the point where, if I had the money, I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase.


So there IS a Naim product you don’t own!


Totally — awesome industrial design. :heart_eyes:


Are we talking warm up and settle down after being switched off for a while, or initial burn-in, which I would imagine taking quite a lot longer than 10 days……

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To be fair, if a dealer “recommended” cable as intractable as NAC A5, me, knowing nothing more about it, would wonder what’s wrong with them.

My long run of overpriced SuperLumina speaker cable at least behaves itself, lying along the floor on its own accord.