System Pics 2022

Norstone Esse if you are looking, Amazon and other auction sites occasionally have it.

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Norstone Esse Available from Richer Sounds.

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So you decided to keep both systems after all?

Luxman :sunglasses:

Yes, keeping both. I have spent almost a decade building the Naim/Harbeth system and it still delivers. The Luxman system gets more use though. :wink:

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Haha. So we’re in the same boat then.

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Cheeky Muso 2 added to the new garden office.
Glad I didn’t get anything better as the acoustics are pretty awful !


Lovely drawing of Bowie :blue_heart:

Thanks - It was a Christmas gift from the Mrs.
Wood with holes drilled different sizes and scorched . Looks great from a distance.

Here’s a few pictures of my humble system, just added a pre loved XPS 2 to power the NDac.
The XPS has just undergone a full factory service so might take a bit of running in before everything comes on song.
Possibly a new SN3 in exchange for the XS 2 but that’s for the future just enjoying everything as it is at the moment.


Blimey. That’s one heck of a room !

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Ryder, may I know the size of both the rooms?

The room is 10m by 6m so big so I sit roughly in the middle… acoustic wise it’s work in progress, it was pretty lively before the room treatment but still could do with a bit of tinkering

Great looking space and speakers to suit. As for the tinkering, oh yes it will be worth it in the end :+1:t3: Enjoy Peter
PS. Are the Facts the Signature version?

Harbeth room = 3.2m x 4.5m
Marten room = 3.2m x 7.0m

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That’s a fab room @Wealdmuso. I really like the racks your gear’s on. Could you reveal who makes them (please)?

Stunning absolutely stunning must be superb to let the system off the lead if you will rather than being restricted

Wow! That’s an incredible room and great system. Thanks for sharing and welcome!!

That’s a dream system. Do you have a preference regarding the ND vs the TT?

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In with new, maybe?