System Pics 2022

I would include a divider of some sort every 150mm just to stop the LPs falling over. Something like this…


Great set up… similar to my own but your room rocks! Well done!

That’s interesting. FWIW, I do same…
Having just looked, by coincidence, the dividers seem to be every 15cm or so.
(Within a Kallax “cube” compartment, which is about 33cm wide, there is a divider in the middle).

IMO, this helps stabilize the records, so weight doesn’t lean them over or “stress” the vinyl.
It also makes it easy to browse and pick out the albums.

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We have built our current setup around the Atom HE and I bet (well almost) that nothing will change in our setup in 2022 as we are so very satisfied with it. :grinning:

Atom HE >> Grimm TPR XLR interlinks >> Dynaudio Sub 6 >> Grimm TPR XLR interlinks >> Purifi EVAL1 power amplifier >> AudioQuest Castle Rock >> Dynaudio Contour S 3.4 LE on Isoacoustics Gaia II

The first tweak this year was to add a glass plate under the Atom HE and to move the couch 20 centimeter closer to the speakers. Sounds even better. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



That’s good advice Jono. My plan is to have dividers built in every 40cm to divide the 1.2m shelves into thirds. I’m thinking/hoping that will be sufficient if I keep each section optimally stocked.:crossed_fingers::grimacing:

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What a lovely space.


No upgrades since early last year… NAP 300 DR / ND555 / NAC252 / SuperCap / Fraim / Rega RP10, Rega Aura, Aphelion / Kudos Titan 808

This year I’m thinking about stepping up from 300 to 500 power amp and maybe an upgrade from my 5 year old Rega RP10 to ???… but the most important upgrade if I can manage it would be a dedicated listening room with proper treatment… fingers crossed :crossed_fingers::blush:


Hi @Petersfi your Amati’s are stunning !!

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Nice system.

You have a highly resolving and sensitive system there, so I would certainly get those two Naim black boxes stacked bottom left onto separate Fraim shelves. Not sure if they are power supplies or if one is a 300 head unit. Replacing that tall shelf above them with 2 standard shelves should do it, if you can stand the asymmetry.

Of course swapping over to a 500 will change everything. Personally, I would go for a 552 before a 500.


Thanks Nigel. Yes I’ll definitely go for both 552 and 500 but probably not at the same time ($$$)… in the bottom left slot are the 300dr and 300ps stacked and separated by spacers… not ideal…. this bottom row larger slot is meant for the 500 upgrade and then its PS can go middle bottom beside it. I should probably separate the 300’s now and see if it makes a positive difference. Thanks again.


I would have a smaller spacing between the dividers as it makes finding and taking records out easier

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That makes sense.

I had the same system as you except I had a 250DR. Then I went to 552 first and then later added a 500DR. But that is because I believe the pre amp is the heart and soul of any system.

In your system I think a 552/300DR combination would be superior to 252/500 as an interim system, DR wherever possible. Much will depend on the delay in marrying a 552 with a 500. If that won’t be too much of a delay and you are prepared to consider pre-loved or ex-demo, then which to get first might be driven by which becomes available first.


That floor lighting beneath the system looks lovely.


Agree with that.

Thanks @IvdZ , know you also enjoy your sf’s. For me, aesthetics are important to the listening experience, which is why I hide the black boxes. Unsure if best “bang for the buck” sound-wise, but the Amatis are up to the task as far as I’m concerned.

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System as per 2021, but with just a couple of minor changes. Rega RP6 still the main source, local streaming via a UQ2, a chrome bumper Nait 2 at the heart, playing into vintage Monitor Audio R-252s. Additions are a pre loved six level Quadraspire Q4-EVO rack, and a hand-me-down iPad Air 1, used as a dedicated UPnP controller. The Q4 does have some sun bleaching so I may refinish the shelves at some point. Having a spare shelf does allow the luxury of the turntable lid being stored when discs are spun.

And that’s it in terms of changes. All I want to do in 2022 is keep the system fed with old and new records :slight_smile:


Beautiful red Amati pater

Hi YetiZone, may I ask if you need to turn the balance knob of the Nait 2 to almost 3 o’clock in low volume listening? Mine is about at 1:30.

How do you get Roon to display on your TV? I am a new Roon user, so have not really played with many options yet. I have a 65 inch LG C9,and currently my Roon Core is on my Laptop. Roon displays on my Laptop and IPad, but seeing it on the 65 inch 4K screen would be sweet.


There is an Apple TV Roon app that you can search for in the ATV App Store. It’s very cheap. Download that and enable the extension in the Roon settings on your Roon app. I’m assuming you have Apple TV though, and it seems the audio not the TV, rather than acting as a remote. Otherwise mirror your laptop or iPad to the TV using Chromecast or Apple TV, and use Roon as usual.

Good luck.

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