System Pics 2022

Love the black Isoblu - not sure I’ve consciously noted it in black before.


You’ve got me wondering now :thinking: going to have critical listening next time thanks. I do like early tangerine dream, Stratosphere, Rubycon, Ricochet. I feel these albums made TD


Beautiful looking setup, and the Isoblue looks superb in black. Doubtless you already know this, but just in case - Rega recommend in the P10 manual; ‘To minimise the risk of hum pick up by the cartridge, the power supply should be situated as far from the turntable as the interconnect cable will allow’

Might be worth doing if feasible but you may not be fussed!

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Nice that you were able to visit Graham Audio’s HQ.

I’ve been intrigued by their speakers for a while. But, with just a hand full of dealers, they are not so easy to readily see and hear?

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We’ll find a way to squeeze you in @PeterR and make sure you get to visit the bridge here in Arnhem. :grin:

PS. I can tell you a (not so) nice story about my grandparents who lived near the bridge in the war. You can imagine what happened to their house during the ‘bridge too far’ campaign. If my aunt would not have saved my 5 months old father from their house, I would not be writing this reply now. So weird if you think about it.


mu-so Qb in the kitchen


Thank you for the advice TT - I was not aware of that.

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Happy New Year, everyone.


Annual cd playing session.


Its an app that runs on an AppleTV device not part of the AppleTV+ subscription service in case of any confusion. Apple should have chosen a better name i think.

Hopefully, it runs from January 1 to the end of December! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Not likely. NDX2 or LPs for me nowadays.

That’s funny, I think I had my quarterly LP playing session this morning! :joy:

Ah - I misunderstood thinking the defining factor was time as opposed to the source. Enjoy!

No problems at all :slight_smile: Curiosity piqued to investigate further, I had a little play this afternoon - if I turn the volume right down to just whisper level with the balance centred, the sound is pretty much equal from both speakers. Guess I just have good one from that perspective, as I do know a few people on the forum have low level imbalance issues with some of their Naits volume.

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I listen to music every day but the cd player rarely. The cds are still on the rack though and rarely is not never.

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Nice room and nice speakers - not many Epicon 6 on this forum.

Cheers. Epicon 8 in fact. I love them. The 250DR has no trouble and the sound is huge, flat filling, and not loud.

Ah, the big room fooled me. I have the 6 myself - excellent speakers.

I can’t help thinking those speakers aren’t in the best place behind that sofa?

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