System Pics 2022

It does look like rather an extreme solution to a bright treble.

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That or just really decent rear channels in a surround system.

That’s because they dont stay there when I am using them. They come out either side of the sofa. It’s more practical for them to remain there when not in use or when not seriously listening.
Not everyone can have their lounge as a fully laid out listening room.


I’m sure there was a sensible reason, it was just an observation, a lovely flock of boxes for sure you have there.

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Many thanks. It’s been a while coming…all started with a 72/140 a long time ago!


Actually there is plenty of confusion here, does this mean I need to buy some kind of player? Someone else provided a link to setting up a display,which I read,but still not certain how to do it. Maybe on the weekend when I have more time to play with it,I can figure it out…at work right now.

A NAIT 3R got me hooked what feels like a very long time ago, whatever path it takes you on the journey offers plentiful rewards for sure.

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Get a ChromeCast TV and plug it into the HDMI slot of your TV.

Fire up ROON and “enable” it’s as a display within Settings.

You can configure it so that it “starts display” when you play music to whatever you stream to.


I can understand the confusion… to the best of my knowledge theres three ways to display Roon info on a tv…

  • if your tv is capable of running a web browser and the browser is compatible, you can paste the address shown on the Roon displays section into the browser. I found this unreliable on my ipad when i tried even though they claim safari is supported.
  • you can use a chromecast dongle/device plugged into your tv as detailed by others in this thread
  • you can connect an AppleTV box to your tv and install the Roon Remote app on the AppleTV box. This is the method I currently use and it also includes control functionality.

if your tv has a web browser, try the first method and you may not need to purchase anything.

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It’ll depend on the browser and operating system the tv uses when using the browser on TV method.
Roon display works best with a Chromium based Blink rendering engine in the browser. Webkit based browsers (like Safari) also work but can have unpredictable results or constrained features and proprietary or legacy browsers like Internet Explorer lack the features to support the Javascript utilised by the Roon Core and aren’t supported or recommended.

Yep… I just tested my original vinyl (that I hardly ever play) and yes you’re right. The imbalance I mentioned came from an early 90’s US CD that I ripped and have been playing ever since… so the problem may well have been caused by me :slight_smile: … thanks for your comment!

Lots of post above answering this question… but for me, I have a dedicated home theatre PC running Roon core and connected directly to TV by HDMI and then I run the optical SPDIF out of TV to the Naim system… many other methods above… good luck

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I should clarify that the optical cable is for other puposes since Roon into Naim is over WiFi I believe.

I have my Roon Core on the Roon Nucleus, which is where my stored music files are. The Nucleus has two HDMI outputs. If I connected one to my Samsung TV, it may display Roon perhaps? :thinking:

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Sounds like a plan!

My TV has Chrome web browser I believe.
I will have a better look tomorrow,but the TV is only 2 years old,seems to have all the bells and whistles.

I have tried this via my avr, all i got was the boot dialog from the nucleus. Think the hdmi port is primarily an audio out.

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Those Grahams are lovely speakers. Some of my favorites. I think they’re very underrated, especially with Naim electronics.

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It might not have been you, not all transfers to CD were done well by the record companies. Nektar’s Remember the Future, in its first transfer to CD lost its guitar track (or was it bass, I have the vinyl but remember a friend complaining about the CD version).


A murder of crows.
An exaltation of larks…

A flock of boxes! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: