System Pics 2022

An embuggerance of Etonians.


This should work then using the URL that ROON gives you at the bottom of the “Display” section. Problem. Is you’ll need to faff with the remote each time you want to use it to navigate to your TV’s browser.

With a ChromeCast TV all you’ll need to do is switch HDMI inputs on the TV and it’ll display the artwork as soon as you stream your music.

You can get a 3rd-gen one from the usual online market for about £20.

Anyway back on topic…

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….a famine of photos!


Love the map. My favourite City. We used to live in Brampford Speke, just off the map to the North West. Exwick has, er, grown a bit since then. Back when Marsh Barton actually was a Marsh. What era is that map?

To get us back on track…refurb of my living space almost complete (awaiting curtains and bits and pieces). Quite a change as the listening area was until recently a dining room and at that time speakers were either side of the fire.

Full room, obligatory feet. I liked the system pics thread to give me ideas how I could rearrange my space, and this is what I came up with.

And modest system, PS out of view and turntable is my daughters.


Thank you KJC - it is an Ordnance Survey map c.1890s

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I did - a reasonable difference in terms of sound (worth £7k of Fraim? …probably not…) and a huge difference in terms of lowering my anxiety levels!

Could be time for some Shahinians!

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Be sure and buy a cover for that Solstice :rofl:


Lovely cats.

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A friend had a couple of cats, one of which left claw holes in the bass drivers of his Monitor Audios. They weren’t raked so I think it was more to do with getting on or off the speaker rather than using it as a scratching post. They both looked innocent of course.

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They ALWAYS look innocent :innocent:


Rough pictures of my current setup. Made the following changes in the last few months of last year.

Radikal Akurate >>> Klimax 2
Ekos >>> Ekos SE
NDS >>> ND555 + additional 555PS

I blame Naim as saw that it was a good time to buy before price increases, That’s it now, I’m done with any other further changes for many years, just sit back, enjoy & listen :ear:


It’s their job to look innocent …

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Lovely system and cracking view from your window!

Looks lovely inside and out, a very nice combo to find yourself in the middle of :grin:

Steady work… :kissing_cat:

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Nice view out the window - are you at liberty to share where that is?

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The year 2021 was characterized by much more free time for listening to music, therefore-
Thorough acoustic treatment was performed in the listening space
555PS added to the Ndac
E.E 8switch+Chord Epic added to Nd5xs2
Plans for 2022-
To hunt 552 and retire …
A good and healthy year for all you all :tumbler_glass:


Just outside of Bath. You can’t see in the picture but the view is over the Dundas Aqueduct.