System Pics 2022

Nice Pic!
Let me guess: Carmen on the left, Bob on the right.
Am I right?



So it’s a long time since I have posted on here (let’s hope I remember how to put pictures in) but after some significant changes recently I now think I’m done with upgrading the black boxes.

Starting from CD5 112,150, fc2 many years ago I lived with cdx2, 282, supercap, 200 until 2017 when I got hold of Cds3. Serviced it with new mech in 2019. Totally love it.

Anyhow 12 months ago on a COVID whim the 282 made way for a 252 and I have just got hold of a five year old 300DR. Spent this afternoon installing 300 and I am very happy so far. If the 252 is anything to go by will take a couple of weeks to fully settle in.

Will look at the speakers at some point and then will look at what it’s sitting on, but tonight enjoying Frank Turner


I don’t have racks full of gear unfortunately, my Naim set-up is pretty simple with the Uniti Atom. Sources include an audiolab CD transport and a Project TT with a few little upgrades. Recent addition is the Triangle 40th Anniversary Antal loudspeakers, which I find visually and aurally stunning. Happy as.


Speakers look pretty impressive, nice room too. :+1:


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I love it the way you have taken a large room and ‘zoned’ it. I don’t know why I like that approach, but it does seem to make the space more appealing.

Love the unit, that style is right up my street

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Yep, we were not rich either by any means.

She came home one day with a full active Linn system with Bricks. Unfortunately, she passed away far too young but having the LP12 brings back fond memories even thou I have done a lot’s of changes.


Thanks, but TBH I probably stole the idea from other pics on previous incarnations of this thread!

The room certainly looks bigger this way, and the hi-fi doesn’t dominate IMO. I can get the speakers reasonably well away from walls and corners with good separation between them, and by accident the listening position is pretty close to 38% of the room length (which is some magic number I read on the room acoustics thread) when set up as an equilateral triangle. From a SQ perspective I think it makes a big difference, particularly to the imagery and also bass control.

Waiting on the updated 272 and then I’ll be done (probably!)

…Its still your Mum’s LP12… :slight_smile:


Even ducks?


Rearranged things a little for listening/family harmony :grinning:

NAP100 still in the cabinet directly under the Atom HE. The aircon unit behind the right speakers seems to have no effect from what I can tell.

I might try toeing in a little to see what that does…

The view from the system:

That opening is 3m and open all day generally (unless we have a tropical storm or hurricane). I’ve never found it to be an issue with the sound quality. When it’s closed it’s a little harsher from the reflective surface, but still very enjoyable.


That looks much better than the foggy and wet weather we have been having over here in The Netherlands. Love it!


Yeah, it’s a little warmer over here than in Europe :wink:

Although it’s a bit parky in the morning when it drops to 21/22C :cold_face:


If you’re looking for sympathy because of the temperature, you’ll find it in the dictionary! (Definitely meant as a joke!)


Early back wall reflections are the enemy and you have the perfect solution. Enjoy (as if you need my encouragement)

Nice to see rooms full of light, looks inviting.

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Lovely space you have. Is that the sea on the horizon?

Yes it is. Not so sunny when I took the photo.

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I understand that we’re very lucky, and I pinch myself every day.

Although we do have to deal with hurricanes (well scary I can tell you), earthquakes (one this morning at 4:30am) and I live near a volcano that in 1902 killed over 30,000 people in a single eruption :scream: Still the record holder today and the giver of the name of a type of eruption :volcano: