System Pics 2022

Wow. Pelee?

Yes, I don’t envy you the hurricanes and earthquakes at all. I haven’t experienced those and have no wish to. We complain in the UK and probably a lot of Western Europe about our weather but there are some trade offs. Anyway, how fantastic for you to be able to have such wonderful sound and music in such a beautiful place. :sunglasses:


Yes, that’s the one :+1:

(From the garden)


I spent a short holiday in Martinique some years ago. It was absolutely idyllic, and I recall thinking that I could quite happily spend the rest of my life there.

You are so lucky to live there, volcano or no volcano! Mind you, the constant potential threat of hurricanes must be quite nerve-wracking, although I don’t think Martinique is as much at risk as some of the more northerly islands.

That’s true enough, but still a major threat from June to end of November every year. I lived through Dean and countless tropical storms (some hurricane strength when passing over before being classed as such) and we were 45km from Maria when it devastated Dominica :disappointed_relieved:

If you’re gonna be in a hurricane, best to be on the south side. Top tip.

Anyways, apologies, I’ve hijacked the thread… we should get back to system pics.

I should start a new thread “Show us your volcano and tell us why the hell would you choose to live near it” :rofl:


Catching up with this - @Debs what goodies do you keep in the box?


That bat flight box is for safekeeping the crown jewels… :full_moon_with_face:

It’s home for all my purchased Naim Label vinyl, but mainly the precious inclusion of those ‘test pressings’ that were so kindly gifted out a few years ago. I’ll always appreciate the generosity of this wonderful deed. I have carefully cleaned and poly-papered them, they come without outer covers so i have written the artist & album on the paper, and because they be test pressings they may contain the odd little crackle pip n pop but this is all very trivial compared to the superb sonics my trusty LP12 can pull out of those test pressed grooves.
These will be keepers for as long as i own a turntable! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


Here’s my no-expense-spared equivalent. It’s the box they came in! Still, they have been cleaned and titles written on the inner sleeves. I do have three copies of When the Heart Dances by Laurence Hobgood. Fortunately it is a good album - I even bought it on CD.


Bought some new shelves at IKEA. Good value for money.


Thanks, I like it a lot Will upgrade the arm sooner or later, but it did not happend last year.

DPS is on the exactly the same depth as the shelf. Me like.



Beer with bread and butter… this I must try…?


Fine album too!

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Homemade christmas beer and a norwegian christmas cake we made yeasterday.



nice Christmas tree decorations… :wink: ! Our tree looked a lot like yours this year!


You were watching Undercover… Very fine TV series (and beautiful actress).


Now that’s an oven…makes me hungry just looking at it!

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Lovely looking room and set up Chalshus, if you don’t mind me asking, are you Norwegian? The bread certainly looks familiar, but homemade beer wow :star_struck: Hilsen Peter

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Homemade beer is a necessity there. One cannot afford beer and Naim.


Good evening, Peter.

Yes, live in Horten now.
I played on this when i lived in Oslo.


Hi @Debs . I recall that you used to have a Tiger Paw Shelf and curious why you aren’t using it now. FWIW I also have a TP shelf, but found I preferred the sound on the top shelf of a Fraim. Did you find the same or is there a different reason you’re not using the TP?

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