System Pics 2022

My TP shelf was fixed to a different wall, which worked okay mainly because it had reinforcement behind the plasterboard in the form of wooden studs, and the shelf and load weight was held up all very safety using four large wood screws. This however is a different way of fixing the shelf up than how intended; using the supplied expander wall plugs and bolts for a solid brick wall.

The change came after a reconfiguration with the naim fraim moved across the room next to a different wall which has nothing strong enough to hold a wall shelf, it’s just stud and plasterboard.
Fortunately my floor is concrete, so no floor bounce worries, my LP12 also performs perfectly on the top naim fraim shelf.

One of the benefits of this change is to site the SBLs near the fireplace; which is constructed of brick, so it’s the best place for the sibbles (if not the only place in this room).

If i had a room with floorboards and solid walls the TP turntable shelf would definitely be better imo, however concrete floor and stud and plasterboard means a top naim frame wins out easily.


Morning Chalshus, some familiar looking Naim boxes there from my own past. Horten must have some lovely views to the sea :+1:t3: Enjoy Peter

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Thanks Debs. That helps.
I’m in two minds about using the TP shelf again in a new listening room. I don’t know if I got the best out of it first time round. Although I was able to fix the shelf to a solid wall, I think the mounting bolts aren’t easy to get fixed in correctly and they may not have ended up as the designer intended. I now have the added problem of finding another set of those original fixings since the last set obviously couldn’t be retrieved from the wall or used again. Anyone got any ideas of where to start on that issue? :grimacing:

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The 4 wall bolt plugs supplied with the TP shelf are made by Fischer:
(The masonry drill bit size needed is 12mm)

Expansion plug with double screw SB 12/5

Fixing length [mm]: 45
Hole [mm]
: 12
Maximum fixable thickness / maximum nut position [mm]: 30
Minimum hole depth [mm]
: 55
Projection bar [mm]: 40
: M 5
Washer diameter [mm]**: 26


The only place on internet i can see who sell this exact specification wall bolt plug is “Mister Worker”, and they only seem to sell the big bumper 50 pack (for £18.49)
…but blimey you’d have a lifetime supply! :grinning:

Although Fischer do a range of these wall bolt plugs, and somewhere like Wicks may have something similar that will do the job. The rubber ‘o’ rings aren’t included but could be bought separately anywhere, eBay?


Excellent! Thanks Debs

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Nothing new this year. I find it relaxing to stop for a while some upgrades.
My system never sounded so good . Added a corner bass trap however, that seems to work this time. A bill more depth and extension of notes, and a support for the lamp.


Still time to wish you the best for this new year. :hugs:


And the same to you

bonne annee

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Nearly there! Just need to rearrange the system and tidy up the cables. Then see if i’m allowed to put the 32.5/hc/110 in the top bedroom🤞


That round thing under your lamp is a bass trap? Interesting, it doesn’t look as ridiculously ugly as some of those big corner traps. Can you share what it is?

Have you tried it in the corner ?


It’s a cylindrical bass trap made in Poland by Addictive Sound. I guess it’s very similar to the Hofa one, but half expensive.
You can visit their site, Addictive sound.


Yes, tried 3 different places, that one seems to work the best.


Interesting, wasn’t aware of these, will take a look myself!

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Yes, best wishes FR. :sunglasses:

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Might be no longer true for Brits after Brexit… :worried:


I have bought a few things from Bluetone in Poland both quality and good value :+1:t3: ATB Peter

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Celebrating my birthday with Colors from Baki Duyarlar.


Running out of CD storage there :joy:

I have as many in the next room. I still like to play CDs but 90% of my listening is streamed nowadays….