System Pics 2022

No system change, but a new piece of glass on the windowsill beside the Nova. Alison Kinnaird the artist, as well as being a master glass engraver, is a Scottish harpist with several solo records and appearances on two Battlefield Band albums.


Similarly no system change downstairs, but I did recently risk a slight sound quality downgrade with the new display cabinet between the speakers. I can’t hear anything significant.
The cabinet suffered from a slight miscommunication, I asked for all glass sides, intending a glass back as well to allow backlighting of the glass sculptures. The cabinet maker took that to be the left and right sides, with as you see a wooden back. He has I believe made the replacement back frame and when the glass panel arrives he’ll come over and make the change. I’m really enjoying it already as a lovely piece of furniture, with the backlit glass I think it’ll be spectacular.


I like the wave. Are they all by the same artist?

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The wave is by a British glass maker called Peter Layton, inspired by the Hokusai print. It’s mainly 21st century British glass there, Jonathan Harris, Elliott Walker, 3 pieces by Gillies Jones and one American piece from Chihuly.


The butterfly glass is beautiful, really special!

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Thanks, it is her “lockdown ending” piece. She says that the lower silhouettes represent butterflies pinned down in display cases, then lockdown ends and we fly free and get colour back in our lives. (My paraphrase.)


I also have a love of art glass. Did you see Elliot Walker on series 2 of Blown Away, fantastic show?
(Apologies for digressing from the topic)

I did, I really enjoyed it, more than series 1. If you didn’t see it London Glassblowing got Elliott to do a live challenge they streamed on YouTube, 2 hours to make a large piece of glass. Search YouTube for Elliott Walker Challenge London Glassblowing, it’s well worth a watch for art glass lovers. (The introduction is by Peter Layton whom I mentioned above.)
And apologies for this becoming a glass thread, back to systems.

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Getting to know the NDX 2 …
… 4 days in …


As always your system looks great! After that slight hick-up with the plugs, have you still got the KS-1 speaker cable?

I had my P10 installed yesterday. Just waiting for the wall bracket to arrive now and then I can reinstate the SuperCap / Headline. Well that’s me finished now for new kit, upgrades etc. …. Anyone know where I can get a NAT02 to partner my Nait1 in my home office? :wink::wink::wink: I did say that I’ve finished buying kit didn’t I ?


Just a lovely looking system. Very jealous

A belated Happy New Year everyone! A challenging run up to Christmas here as we all contracted covid. Thankfully, we are all well now though which is a huge relief. Hopeful for a better 2022.

System remains as per 2021 - still bewitched by the small and mighty chrome bumper Nait2 so no plans to upgrade at the moment. Will post full system pics when I get back in the studio next week…


Just a thing of beauty Yeti


It’s taken me 35+ years to reach this point. Now’s the time to spend more time to listening to music rather than playing around with my toys. :notes: :slightly_smiling_face:


Agree! Clean, simple and elegant, even to the point of being utilitarian in some ways.


Has the imbalance been mentioned before?

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Love me some CB Nait 2.


When I’m standing at the drawing board I listen off axis.

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At least it is a lot easier to centre than the Nait1!

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