System Pics 2023

500 series packed away (for now) in comes the Nait 2 from the second setup. Going to give the Nait a good run with DAVE and chums before the Nait 50 arrives…

SL2s on the end on the Nait :slightly_smiling_face:


Thx for the info on Gig Harbor! Wow they have done pretty cool toys.

The 5/8s have good bass? I don’t need to feel it anymore n my gut. Just need to hear it.

I’m not good on the descriptors for what I hear. What would be the opposite of effortless as it might apply to the 5/5s? Would it be too technical?

Tom Y
Dallas TX

After a recent move I’ve done some rearranging with my gear and now have a Naim setup in the bedroom. Supernait/Olive Hicap/Wiim Pro/Proac Tablette Anniversary speakers in rosewood. Sounds great to me.


The double socket near the tv doesn’t look level


Neither does the switch beside the fireplace. :thinking:


Have changed my system almost completely over the last few months. Notwithstanding that some of the components (speakers) have only had 50 hours or so through them I’m very happy with the sound. Did a home demo with a fully run in pair of Kudos Super 20As so I have a good feeling for where I’ll end up. Funny thing is they sound as though they are there already. Did try the larger Titan 606s and whilst I did like the sound, space (and funds) did not really permit.
The electronic boxes are now nearly 5 months in with about 500 hours through them. When not in use I do not switch to standby mode, I do not put any signal through the system and also keep volume down to “0”. Based on comments from others on the forum it takes somewhere between 2000-3000 hours for full run in so that will take some time with my usage pattern as described, or do I have the wrong end of the stick?? Highly likely.

Apologies for poor quality of the images, not as good a photographer as some on the forum.


That looks very smart. I’d let it go into standby to save power. Leaving it on and not playing doesn’t achieve anything anyway. It takes nothing like 2,000 hours to run in, so don’t worry about it. Just play music when you fancy, and enjoy it.


To reinforce what HH has said……enjoy the journey, it is too easy to overthink these upgrades and rushing to get it all burnt in. Just enjoy the music.

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Thanks @HungryHalibut and @Gazza,
Advice appreciated. I am enjoying my music these days. I suffer a bit from tinnitus and find that the new sound does not set it off so much so feel as though I am in a good place with regard to sound. Not that the previous system was bad, just this one I’d better for me.

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Super neat job - :+1:

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Sorry did not realise about that condition……but just let it settle in. Wish you-the best.

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Love to hear that the phonosophie 3 is back in the (big) game :o)
Prefix with supercap is excellent :grin:

Listening to the first Dillon album :grin:

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I’ve put a level on it - the socket by the TV is dead level, and the switch by fireplace is 1° out. That’s my fault because I installed it myself. I think it must be an aberration in the picture because they certainly look wonky.

It was just FYI everything else is so spot on. :+1:t2:

It’s a tiny amount of barrel distortion which is easily corrected with software but not worth it in the context of this fora.

Nice system, but you don’t think the treble can be a bit intrusive at times?

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Hi @Bjorn,
Good question, as my system is currently configured I do not think that the treble is intrusive at times.
Over the last two years or so my hearing has altered slightly and I felt that my previous set-up was becoming a little too bright or maybe HiFi for me, my ears my room. When the NC kit was announced I decided to see if I could assemble a system that sounded better to me, without losing the Naim SQ that I was used to.

I particularly liked the extra reserve that the NC250 gave and was very pleased with the additional ease and control that the new volume control gives. Even with all these benefits, which to me meant no going back, my hearing was saying, better but possibly still a little bright. I therefore decided to see if a change of speakers would help. My previous speakers were PMC Twenty5.23s. I had previously determined that ATC were just too big for my space and MrsO did not like the look.

I did however have access to a local dealer who stocked PMC and other brands of speakers. I then went through two listening sessions at his location, basically confirming that I liked the Kudos sound before a session was held in my house/room. Tried both Super20A and Titan 606. Super20A was selected based on sound, size and cost. The sound is warmer than the PMCs (not so HiFi if that is a description) with bass that is as good as the PMCs and mids that sound just right. Suspect that the NC250 helps here.

I expect I’ll have this system for a good number of years assuming my ears do not change too much. It is providing a sound that I like (no intrusive treble) and can listen to for long periods with no fatigue.

I will listen to the new 300 boxes when they come out if I can, but for me changing to 300 series separates for stream and pre would likely mean increasing box count which is not a direction I am looking to go down.


Yes, I also liked Kudos Super 20A when I tried them at home. It is a very well-built speaker with a high quality of detail and the sound is very uncolored and tonally correct, which means that the music is reproduced in a very natural way. The problem for me was that the treble became a little too much at times, so in the end I decided to return them. But without a doubt one of the best speakers I’ve tried.


Hi @Bjorn,

Not sure if you noticed or not but I also use IsoAcoustic Gaia 3s with my speakers. To me they improve the sound. Maybe your dealer could let you try them?

I also use a speaker cable (WH Phantom) that is neutral/warm. I would use NACA5 but it is just a bit too stiff for me. Kudos KS-1 sounded similar to WH.

To me the Gaias made a bigger difference than the cable.

Agree Kudos Super 20A is very good speaker for the money.

Kind regards