System Pics 2023

That’s very kind of you to say. It’s certainly far easier when the room doesn’t include loads of hifi bits and bobs.



You’re welcome young man, I agree about the reduced hifi bits and bobs, but they are still nice to have!!

So a couple of changes and additions:
MacBook Pro replaced by MacMini which is Ethernet hardwired from the Cabin TP-Link Mesh unit.

Kitchen TV installed as Monitor for MacMini and PS1 CD Player

Video & Network Cables neatly installed using 25x16 Cable trunking

The whole thing looks very neat and tidy and sounds really EXCELLENT :metal:t4: :blush:


Just added a piece of Naim history to my rack, a lovely NAC 42.


Have you compared to your 252?


No, and I won’t be Bandit. Firstly I don’t have a ps to hand for it. Secondly it was bought as a design statement rather than usable hi fi. If I ever see a clean and cheap 110 or 140 I might have a go, but that is not the intention.

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It’s a wonder you get any work done at all with such a distraction! :partying_face:


It will blow away that 252 + 300. :wink:


SF Amati


We are still awaiting a review of the new Play station CD.


Oops, My Bad!:face_with_peeking_eye:
“Marvellous!” …is a simple response to this, but I will produce an unnecessarily wordy review for you later @AndyP and anyone else who may be interested. :wink:


The PS1 with the addition of a linear power supply comes close to the CD555 with careful setup. You can’t play Wipeout on a Naim CD player either.


Are you sure?:wink:


It looks good and I am sure it all sounds good, but could you be persuaded to try moving some boxes around to see if it gets even better?

Just had SN3 replaced with 250,282. Seems quite a step up straight away,looking forward to it settling in.


I replaced my SN 2 with a NAC 282/ NAP 250 DR awhile ago and thought it was fantastic upgrade. I added the 282 first and it provided a very noticeable improvement, a couple of months later the 250 DR and once again a lovely uplift in performance. I also recently replaced the HiCap DR with a SuperCap DR while Naim and my dealer were offering a fabulous discount and trade in value.

I am sure you will be loving the improvement and uplift in the music!


NAC 252 perhaps? :partying_face::man_dancing::control_knobs:


As promised, here is the more wordy review of my PS1 (SCHP 1002) acting as my CD Player. I stick by my original one word review by the way. MARVELOUS, but if you want more please read on.

First the Facts & Figures…
PS1 (SCHP 1002) 1st European release. eBay £35
Original PS1 controller. eBay £15
5 Pin Din to RCA cable. eBay £33
PS2 DVD Remote Control. eBay £18
Total Solution cost £101

@knaithrover provided both the idea (he’s been using one for years) and the initial deciding factor, “A CD Player with a very Analogue sound”. This is a very accurate description as far as my ears are concerned. It has been several years since I have had a CD player in my system. I retired my Linn Genki a very long time ago and I am informed that it was never particularly highly rated. My earlier Denon CD player, bought in Dubai in 1992, is the only other HiFi level CD player I’ve owned.
As a result I cannot offer comparisons to the myriad of HiFi CD players, so I won’t. I can only say what it sounds like in comparison to my other sources, please see my profile for detail.

First played Rush - Clockwork Angels on both the PS1 & LP12. Naturally the £100 PS1 was not expected to challenge the £8000 vinyl solution (inc Phono Stage), but it was surprisingly good.

The first obvious difference was in the Bass performance. The CD sounds great in isolation, but in a live A/B comparison it loses on that front immediately. However, the detail is all there. The soundstage is broad and involving. It also has great ‘Pace’, ‘Rhythm’ and ‘Timing’, but it still can’t compete with the LP12 in any of these areas.
What I would say and it brings me back to the first statement, is that overall it is a strong shadow of the LP12 and very ‘Analogue’ sounding. It may lack in all the mentioned areas, but not significantly enough to leave me thinking that it wasn’t worth it.

When compared with the equally cheap (well £220) Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt DAC running behind my Mac with that same album, the PS1 wins. I have no doubt that a Streaming solution in the £’000’s would present a different story, but the CD performance of the PS1 is very, VERY impressive when put up against a cheap DAC.
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is a very creditable performing device, that essentially cost £100 and has given me back my CD collection. I know that Qobuz gives me greater flexibility and when I have put in a state of the art Streaming solution the results probably swing the other way, but no complaints for now… :man_shrugging:t4:

Conclusion: So would I recommend this CDP solution to others?


I am now having my Cabinet Maker use some of the remaining Cherry wood, used to build my racks, to make a stylish new shell for it. We intend to style it around a Naim Classic look. Watch this space for the big reveal when its done… :blush:


I would love to add one but being retired and at 71 years old living on a fixed income now with a bunch of politicians willing to disrupt the economy for political gains keeps me cautious about excessive spending at the moment.

Intent is not to delve into politics just a statement of fact regarding my spending activity in the current climate here in the US. …and the music sounds mighty sweet with my current Naim configuration!

(I’ll never say never, I just need to be patient and see if the right deal/situation arises.)