System Pics 2023

The Sense app from Innuos was the primary reason for me buying a Zen mk3 when I switched from using a nas.


Indeed, the app on the GoldNote stopped me investing in their system. I have the ds-10 but I stopped there and changed to Auralic.

I will set one up next week


For me that’s the appeal of Roon and why Roon compatibility is a deal breaker for me. Using a 12.9" iPad Pro as a remote feels luxurious.

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I’ll post an older system pic of my Naim setup to assuage the guilt I feel for diverting the thread…

The PS is gone these days…and the little Sony DVD/Blu-Ray is replaced with an Oppo unit.


Ah. But Hanoi Rocks. Not great on record. But the gigs at wardour street Marquee ……

This setup may be all I need to listen to music. Internal headphone amp in the Nait is also welcome. :slight_smile:


I assume you mean that it would be welcome…?*

*if so, Naim have answered your wish with the new NAIT 50.


Same speakers for the last few years, still really enjoy them. Next upgrade could be the amps, will be demoing the the classic series next month.



Good comment Richard

I see on the Nait 50 Manual - they connect it to the NDX2

What a 2 box combo if that works :grinning::+1:

Thanks Richard. Yes, I meant that. It’s really tempted by the Nait 50.

Hi, which source do you find the best quality, the ND555 or the P10?

Thanks to my extensive contributions to the House and Electro/techno threads I can listen to my favourites without the turntables needed.


Getting used to the ND555 still as it replaced an NDX2. P10 more immediately emotional and familiar but “more than before”.

ND555 clearly miles more spacious in sound than the NDX2 - sounds much more like you were there when it was recorded.

I need to listen to the Final Cut streaming now to see how I feel about it vs the P10 :slight_smile:

I expect the ND555 to settle after being running for a while. Only been here since Thursday.

Plus I still need to work on speaker placement and some racks.


I’m not going to lie, my formative years spent in Manchester’s clubs in the late 80s/early 90s were a reasonable factor in the buying decision for this beast 8)

Thanks for your stalwart efforts on that thread too, I mean to like more of your posts! It’s great to remember the good times associated with those tunes :raised_hands:


That looks lovely.
(Put the dip switch to 2 if you intend to beat match. That isn’t a dj deck)

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My system is;

  • Cyrus CDXT Signature
  • Chord Mojo 1 & Poly
  • Naim SN3
  • PMC Twenty5 22 & PMC stands
  • Witch Hat N2 speaker cable.

In the room I have 2 x GIK Acoustic Tri-Trap, 1 off is visible on the left in the pic. I also have 2 x 244 bass traps on the back wall.

Currently chewing over what I’m going to upgrade next. I’m thinking to swap out the Mojo 1 for a Mojo 2. Do any of you have any other suggestions?


Left stack
Chord DAVE

Right stack
552 PS
500 PS
Chord MScaler

SL2 speakers

John Martyn - Solid Air playing


Black and green everywhere. Are your clothes black and green too, your shoes and your car ? :rofl:

What other speaker cables have you tried? I don’t know the N2’s other than that they’re a modest cable. I also consider my Phantoms a modest cable and keep getting the itch to try others.

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