System Pics 2023

Thank you :slight_smile:
That is indeed one of the Samsung Frame TV, not the greatest picture quality but it was a good fix for having to put the TV between speakers due to the layout. That cable though, I need to make that disappear at some point. Messing with my OCD :slight_smile:


I completely agree with your assessment, I know their sound and they do sound so right. Especially with your Naim stack. I also noticed you added the Isoacoustics isolators under. What was the effect after adding them? I bought a set as well but waiting for the right stud size.
I call the new floorstanders Great Danes since they are so tall compared to the standmounts that I’m used to. Once they broke in, I got a pair of Shunyata Delta power cables for the 250 and 300, and the system sounds pretty impressive so far. Now waiting for the upgrade from Venom-X speaker cables to the new Delta speaker cables. I just think there’s something special about that DDC waveguide design with these and the added benefit of dedicated midrange driver.


The isoacoustics just seemed to control the slightly boomy bass that I had in the previous smaller room that the Heritage Specials were in. Do they make the same difference in this larger room? Not sure but they sound so good that I’m not changing anything!

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Apologies for lateness in responding Collywobbles

I’ll give my views on the differences as best I can

The LP12 Klimax with the EkosSE/Urika/Radikal machined - tonnes of detail, lots of bass and well controlled, plays 45’s also etc. However it can sound sometimes a bit clinical to me and a bit dry shall I say

The LP12ARO/superline/Armageddon has a little less bass and detail but it just seems to swing with the music, very rhythmic with a bit of snap, I like it for sure

If push came to shove and only had one LP12, I’d go with the ARO, probably against what maybe the majority of others might think. The Armageddon a bit long in the tooth these days but just seems to go so well with the ARO

Both TT’s have the keel and the Kandid cartridge

Hopefully that helps



That’s my prediction as well, looking forward to trying them soon.

Reordered as advised. Burndys still touch the floor even with the suggested twist but longer legs for the rack should fix that. I’ll have to rebuild my patience before rebuilding the system though!


Looks great, have you noticed any change with the sound?

I have to admit I’m flumoxed. I have the same setup except a SuperCap instead of HiCap, the same rack with some narrower 10cm uprights except for the first shelf on 14cm. I didn’t end up with anything touching the floor. Not a burndy and not a SNAIC.

Now starting to think I’m the one with abnormally short lengths. It’ll all come out of storage next month and I can see if I just had a fluke or not.


Yes mike! A little bit more of everything, an hour well spent. Just put some David Axelrod on and Earl Palmer’s drums sound more devastating than ever. Thank you for your advice.


I’d be interested to hear how you get on. My rack is jacked up on some Herbie’s decoupling feet which add about 10mm to floor clearance. Perhaps you have a little less gravity in your house :thinking:

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It’s been a while since last system pic. There’s been a change of room and some additions since the last one. Apologies for poor photos.


Nothing wrong with those pictures - looks a really nice set-up.
I’m also looking for new stand mounts and was impressed by the KEF’s at the show - decisions decisions???

Thanks Simon. Did you manage to hear the Reference 1’s? I thought they were stunning.

I did - it was late on the Sunday so we were the only ones in the room, so I asked the guy to put some Tool on - and even at low volume I was gone…

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Many recent changes, the lovely Harbeths went to an other home, and welcomed the Grahams, the Icon audio phono also found another home, and added the Ear phono for the Thorens. Nordost Q base went upstairs, and put a lot of Ansuz to the system. Happy with the result :musical_score::musical_score::musical_score::notes::notes::metal:


I’m glad I’m not the only one they had that effect on! :laughing:

In fact I’ve got the same track on now “Invincible” from Fear Inoculum in the office and I’ve turned it up and having 5 mins break - its only on Wharfedale Diamonds tho - but its still a brilliant track!


Fairly substantial updates. Im no longer streaming using the melco on its own. Picked up a new NDX2 on discount during the recent new classic announcements and just got a 555ps to power it. My wife is also open to some fraim. So so more expense coming, maybe.


Very nice David.

The only apology needed is for not having a stand for your Les Paul! :wink:

How do you like the R3 Metas? Could they run without a sub and still sound good?