System Pics 2023

I don’t think it was modified as the pegs are exactly like the one in the rear.

Maybe @Richard.Dane knows if the original Fraim had a top level with pegs in the front as well as the rear.

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It’s 100% a modification. I’d bet my house on it. No Fraim shelf is made like that. All the wooden parts are exactly the same and therefore interchangeable.


The pegs at the side look to be a modification. The Fraim shelves have only ever had a peg at the rear to prevent the shelf sliding off backwards.

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Thanks for confirming.

Not embarrassing at all, I agree. Just a different matter of priorities, as the long chair ( I forgot the name) costs probably more than the all audio system.



Didn’t spot that, it’s an Eames

best wishes


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There’s Eames and there’s Eames. Genuine or knock off.

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If the pegs at the front are identical to pegs at the back (same size, same material, same surface finish), the mod was probably done by Naim.

Think of it as a positive. Somewhere to hang a takeaway bag. :grin:

It’s a knock off, if I had $7000 to spend I’d probably upgrade the system in some way.


The reproduction Eames chairs are pretty damn good, having sat in one I couldn’t imagine paying multiple thousands for an original!

Enjoy and super cool looking room.



A few weeks ago I sat in a (presumably imitation) Eames chair in a hotel. It was the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever sat in, after 5 minutes I gave up and sat on a wooden bench. Perhaps some are better than others.

Chairs and sofas are very personal, body shape and preference dependent. There is no universally comfortable chair. So either a bad knockoff, or an Eames just isn’t for you.

There are two sizes of the Vitra Eames (genuine and made under license). If you sit in the wrong size it will be uncomfortable, but the right size should be very very comfortable. At least that’s my experience.


You can usually tell it’s a genuine Eames chair because when you see it, it’s bigger than you expect and won’t easily be accommodated into any but the largest areas.

The knockoffs are a bit smaller. If you’re thinking, “I know just the nook or corner for that.” then it’s fake.

I think it’s the quality of the leather that’s a dead giveaway. I have an Eames copy and it’s very comfortable, but the leather is not aging in the same way as the genuine ones I’ve seen. There’s a few things I’d buy before “upgrading it” though.

That said, I do generally use mine as my listening chair. If it were the case that the music sounded better in the genuine one, then maybe it’s justifiable as a system upgrade?

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More importantly does music sound better in the fake or the real deal Eames chair.
I reckon it’s all down to what brings the most comfort for relaxing. :thinking:


The Eames add a more analog sound. The knock offs sound more digital.


Do the genuine Eames chairs have extra padding to accommodate the outsize wallet in your back pocket? Asking for a friend.


I love the look of the Eames and always lusted after one (but too big for our living room). l finally sat in one in the store…must be a copy (still well over a grand) as it was depressingly uncomfortable. Or maybe I’m too skinny…

Still love the style though.

I don’t think anyone would have found this particular chair comfortable. I had a look round the back and it seemed to be pretty cheap and nasty. Just a cheap knockoff, I guess.