System Pics 2023

Anyway … enough chairs!


Enough about chairs just. :roll_eyes:


Hey, just a question. Nice setup, is that a Uniti Core that I spy???
If it is, I am looking to get one, but also considering the BS Vault. Any thoughts about ownership would be greatly appreciated :+1:

Good Schiit…

It is my dream and what I strive for, just to have a dedicated hifi box/package room. Some just want a listening room I would like the package room :grinning:

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Hi @Rob.Steele yes that is a Uniti Core. I have owned it for a few years now and find it easy to use and works well for my requirements. I have used NAS drives in the past which also did a great job serving my music. Don’t know what BS Vault is, but suggest you use the search function as there has been much debate and information on using the Core. Good luck!

:grin: How we laugh… For the money, the Modi DAC and the Valli 2++ are incredible value. As a headphone set-up with my Sennheisers, they are just lovely. Watching eBay closely, considering replacing the little chi-fi class D power amp with something a bit better, maybe an old Naim NAP 100… Watch this space!


Some people like to pay the price for a real beatiful design instead of buying a Chinese replica……
The same with HIFI: some people like to pay the price for Naim instead of etc etc etc……

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I was being lazy and shortened the name. A Bluesound Vault. It’s roughly £1500 cheaper but I really fancy the Core. Quality product

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Ok thanks. You only live once (I think?) so go for what you really want, otherwise you will always have the thought…’if only I had got the core’ :grin:


I would also put a vote in for the Core - it’s a super piece of kit!


Hi Paul I see we have slightly similar systems - Core & 222 - if you don’t mind me asking could you give me some details how you’ve got the two items “wired” together?

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If you connect the Core in Spdif to the 222, the Core will be the streamer and the 222 used only as a dac. You won’t be able to have Qobuz and Tidal and you won’t use the streaming part of the 222 , which is its main raison d’être.
In all Naim audio shows, the Core is used as a Nas only, connected to a switch, not the streamer.
However, if you stream only your cd rips or downloaded albums, you can try to compare Core in Spdif into the 222 dac. A lot have tried and haven’t observed real differences from the normal connection, for local streaming.


Thanks for the above - I have now got to grips with the basics (hopefully) after “discussions” with other members and I plan to leave the Core in the office as a NAS connected to the network and have the 222 as a streamer. I was hoping @PaulW might give me specific info on exactly which cables and switch he was using, as we are using similar - Core & 222. I have been reading other threads where some seem to say that “audiophile” cables (Chord, Audioquest etc) are required but others saying all Ethernet cables are the same and also network switches - do I need something like an EE8 or are they again all the same?
Do you have any suggestions by any chance - I just want to make sure I’m getting the best out of the equipment I’ve got?

I would suggest that you use a simple network setup with a regular switch if you need additional ports, or just yse the switch ports on your router. Use regular certified Cat5e cables from a decent commercial supplier such as FS or Cable Monkey.
This will establish a baseline at little or no cost, against which you can assess the possible improvements of any ‘audiophile’ products should you with to add them later.
Remember that every HiFi system, and the room in which it sits, will be unique in terms of the level of electromagnetic interference which such products claim to remove, and the fact that someone else finds any particular product helpful doesn’t mean that you will too. Always test for yourself, and try, difficult though it is, to keep an open mind about the benefits you think you are hearing.

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I think frenchrooster (like myself) uses an Innuos Phoenix Net.

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@SimonDC I connect core and 222 to an ee8 switch. Cables are chord c-stream. I did find adding the ee8 switch gave a noticeable uplift to the sound. There are lots of discussions on the search but can say that I am enjoying this current set up more than anything I have had previously ie 272, NDX even NDS based systems.

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Bought a Solidsteel H6 today. Will use ut until i have one custom made. Too few shelves, but we will figure it out somehow. Work in progress. The cable chaos will be better … But most of the cables are balanced so it is not very important, imho. Anaview amps will also get a cabinet


Cables look pretty standard for round these parts :wink: