System Pics 2023

I think re-introducing bulbs that increase your lighting energy consumption tenfold is a little unlikely!
Most LEDs are noisy though, so I’m not entirely surprised by your findings. When I replaced my bulbs with LEDs a few years ago I did manage to find a couple of brands that didn’t put out any noticeable interference, so I mostly use those now. Prevention is better than cure to my mind.

There have been no other benefits, so that could be a first. The idea of 60W lamps is pretty horrifying in retrospect.

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What HiFi stand have you in mind? I used to have Guizu but it’s no longer available - came from China.

I have swapped sideboards between TV/guest room and living room:



because the TV corner in the second room was too dark. But the Ikea BESTÅ, although the proper height for the turntable (it also contains all the LPs) and effective as a sound diffracting surface, is not my visual ideal for the audio pieces.
The Sats sit on cardboard stands because I still haven’t found a pair of n-Stands. At least, they sort of match the BESTÅ…

My systems seem to be perennial works in progress. I plan to replace most of S.'s furniture and redo the living room, but am not gifted as an interior designer. I agree about not straining the neck although I now see my toes watching TV.


I had nothing particular in mind, just something less bulky. I’ve always thought that your room looks lovely, very cosy and stylish. The cardboard stands certainly fooled me, they look rather good.

Thanks. I made them to try a pair of KEF LS50s years ago, the speakers went the stands stayed. I used them as bass traps, now they come in handy as n-Tubes.


I predict corrugated speaker stands as the next hifi trend :slight_smile:


Cheap, light, rigid, non-resonating and fully size-adjustable!


And from sustainable sources too! So on trend. Max, please get a patent on your design ASAP!


I use a USB rechargeable spot lamp for the hifi which is obviously silent in terms of added noise. Works for me.


Kudos 606? Run from the Naim?

Kudos 606? Yep.

Run from the Naim? Indeed.

I will be demoing the NAP350s when they are released, but until then, the little NAIT is doing a fine job.


I’m driving mine with the NSC222 and a couple of Audiolab 8000M and considering going active but not chosen a solution yet for the crossover.

Is that a Select DSM above the NAIT?

Cars don’t impress me, but the number plate did :blush:


That sounds like it could be interesting. Not many active options out there, although I keep hearing rumours that Kudos will be bringing out their own active crossover sometime soon…

It’s the Klimax version of the DSM.

Me too unfortunately :laughing:

Take care @MaxBertola

Max - Your room (and system) always looks effortlessly stylish, yet warm and welcoming.


nice parking the Mondeo!: )

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I have coveted your radiator cover when I saw it for the first time. :heart_eyes:



Well, thanks very much. I am always doubtful about everything that concerns my choices. Very kind of you.

This apartment was completely brought to life by my former mate Silvia and me. When she left, last January, I hadn’t a clue about where to go and what to do with my life. Then I chose to stay here, so now I want to make the place as cozy and comfortable as possible. My home is where I feel safe.

I wish she had felt the same about me…