System Pics 2023

Just drop by when you will be traveling in Southern EU… You are always welcome.


Nice, but maybe if they did it in concrete grey :thinking:

I’m sorry to hear that Max. I hope things work out for you.


I’m sorry to hear that too Max, and also wish you the best.


Thanks, indeed. I appreciate it. My system is giving me hours of pleasure. If I had a cat (instead of the CAT I’m having on next Tuesday…) it’d be almost perfect.


I am really sorry to hear that Max, it is never an easy situation to be faced especially with memories and reminders that will be around you. I wish that you find happiness.

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I tried the Selekt DSM as pre streamer and active crossover using 2 RCA cards. It works if you’re in pure stereo, but I also use my front pair for AV, driven by my monoblocks. It didn’t work as the Selekt DSM takes the Analogue input converts to digital and does the crossover in digital before converting back to analogue. They delay this introduced was beyond the capability of my AV receiver to time align the surround speakers. I also hear rumours of another UK company (who’ve been in the active domain for decades) producing an analogue crossover that is in test mode at the moment. So pretty soon there could be two new solutions available. That’ll be quite an investment in NAP350 if you go active.

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Thanks Paul. I don’t want to change the thread into my personal whine, though…
Let’s say that my mate’s flight hasn’t been the only ‘gift’ from Year 2023, and let’s resume system pics!


Outside Hard To Find Records in Birmingham, hence the plate one would assume?
Clearly selling used records pays rather well.

All the best .

I understand the lets make this place snug feeling

best wishes


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Parked on double yellows too… tuts
JayKay? Not a fan of his music but his sort of thing car wise. Just a guess

So sorry to hear about being split with your ex partner. I have been there more times than I can remember so I know the feeling well. I was diagnosed with cancer last September and my partner left me 4 weeks after a major op. What does that tell you? Sometimes people aren’t available. Choose people who are going to be there for you. Easier said than done. I have found so much support on this forum with my cancer diagnosis. I was surprised and delighted. Most importantly, I felt supported. Thanks guys. And Max, sending my love to you and hope for new beginnings. On this forum we look after one another. You can get over this and be stronger and a bigger man.


Yes I wasn’t impressed with him parking on double yellows, but I couldn’t tell from his number plate what music they like :blush:


thanks very much for your kind words. Some things seem to come together - I too was diagnosed with cancer a month ago. It’s just a prostate cancer but it’s not small, it’s aggressive and has a high risk rate. I’ll have to undergo surgery too.
I am not worried, I don’t feel bad facing this without her. One way or another, I have always faced my hard moments alone. But Chris was right, this forum is a place where one can find sympathy and help. I’m glad I’m back here.

I wish you the very best for your life. Sorry for hijacking some space. I may post pictures of the surgical equipment in a few weeks…


Hey Max
Make that three. I was diagnosed last year with prostate cancer. It was too advanced, PSA reading too high for surgery. In fact I can remember, going by myself for the biopsy, which had to be performed while they knocked me out, so to speak. Had to go for radio-beam treatment, in the middle of night, so to speak I.e. had to travel in darkness, as my appointment was at 8.00am. Listening to DJ’s twaddle in a morning, when you are thinking about cancer, can make you want to rip the radio out, and chuck it in the slow lane.
Still, that was 10 months ago and PSA dropped to well below normal reading and cancer in remission.
As for the ex, well it is her loss and for you Max, keep the faith. :blush::+1:


I really like the idea and think they look great with speakers on them. Are they quite stable?

Wishing you all the very best - as you say this forum may get over excited where cables are concerned but it is also a place where genuine concern is shown in the face of adversity


Keep going Dan. And in the words of the late, great Tommy Simpson:-


No blue badge on display either…

I do like Lamborghinis generally but I do wonder if this particular version carries a little too much addenda?

Linn Akurate DSM/3 replacing Lumin D2 and Naim DAC-V1 (the DAC-V1 didn’t offer anything over the D2’s internal DAC but was convenient for other digital inputs - CDP and ChromeCast).

The Akurate with Katalyst is a step up.