System Pics 2023

Great stuff Alexey! Glad you got a worthwhile improvement in performance.

Naim’s older olive CD players are the best IMO. I had a CDI many years ago - around 1990. Much later I had a CDS3 wich I never thought was as entertaining.

PS. I love that Technics turntable!


Here’s my stuff…. Been upgrading like mad the last 5 years planning for retirement (which has just happened). So that’s me sorted.


Stepping back in style! Congrats on retiring.


I love it too, I couldn’t resist,sold my old LP12 and bought a new one 1200GR.


Congrats on your retirement. Mrs G and I are absolutely loving retirement and hope you do too.


:+1: Yes, I retired at 57 and would recommend it to anyone. That old adage about ‘don’t know where I found the time to work’ is so true.

Living a healthy, full and exciting life, hope it remains so for a very long time!


Did it nearly 4 years ago, at 55.
The first 18 months was tough, what with Covid and losing a few close family members.
Living is much more fun most of the time these days. As you say, don’t know how I found time to work… :man_shrugging:t4: :joy:


I agree with you 100%. My boss expects me to work into my 70s. He is a guy who only understands work and money - a truly pathetic individual. Calls at all times, 10:00 PM, weekends, when I am on (a rare) vacation, when I was in Italy a few weeks ago, and even 2 years ago as I was sitting down to Christmas dinner at my brother’s. In his own words, “I have no hobbies or interests.” I haven’t had 60 days off in total in 5 years. I own 1% of the company, and he thinks that means he owns me…and maybe he does.

He thinks if you retire, you are putting one foot in the grave, but I have many friends who are retiring, and NONE of them are complaining. As stated here, living a full life.

Nothing would make me happier than to tell him to take his effing job and shove it up his effing a**, but I am constrained by need and at an age (almost 66) where getting another job is very challenging, so I must tolerate his psychopathy a few more years.


Best wishes for a long and happy retirement.
Hope you have many happy days of listening.


Superb system!

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I am now 59 and I already receive a pension, but I continue to work while I still feel it is possible. The size of the salary and pension are very different. In addition, I help my children financially, and my hobby also requires funds. :smiley:


69 here…hope to continue working for as long as I physically can. If I have to retire, my contingency plan is volunteering at Battersea Dogs, or some agency with purpose.

Slippers and endless leisure days just don’t appeal to me at all.


Me either - but that isn’t what I have planned for retirement, not by a long shot.


I took my NHS pension at 55 and Mrs G took her NHS pension at 57. She now works approx 25 weekends a year in her former role on a locum basis and we have more net income than when we earning. (ask the taxman for details).

So now we have the money AND the time to fully enjoy doing what we love. No regrets about retiring, it’s the best thing we could have done at our age. It’s not for everyone. We have a friend who dreaded retirement, but was effectively retired out of his job, and is now as miserable as sin.


Yes he sounds a pathetic specimen!
You’ll soon be able to tell him where to shove his job I’m sure!


:+1: Yes I worked for the NHS for nearly 41 years and worked my way up to a senior management level. It just started to be about money money money and I’d had enough of it so took my lot!
Wife retired at 56 from a teaching position so again a final salary pension.
We’d always planned on her retiring first and travelling. Whilst covid scuppered those plans initially, we’re doing our best to make up.
Whilst not in lottery money territory we’re comfortable, but more importantly we’re both slim, very fit and healthy and that’s what’s important! Long may that continue.


Certainly not for us either, we’re living our life to the full and always doing something. Next month I’m in Nepal for white water rafting and canyoning, slippers it certainly isn’t :rofl:


100% support for @DrMark!


Shots fired :wink:

Just thrown in the towel too, at 55. No pipe and slippers here either; there are so many things I can now enjoy which I simply didn’t have time for when working.