System Pics 2023

Don’t get your slippers wet - nothing worse than soggy slippers! :wink:


Not soon enough - I fear what it is doing to my health and my sanity; I must be a cortisol machine, and the pressure on our marriage is not insignificant. I was sold a bill of goods by a very adept BS artist 5 years ago, and now I am stuck.

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Just take care and stick in there, it’ll work itself out, things always do.

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Pipe and slippers all the way at Bhoyo Towers (except for the pipe and slippers).

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Wow - this is a fine place to be! It is like a Foto in a furniture brochure - in an excellent way!

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All the best on your well deserved retirement. I retired at 50 (20 years ago) and although I loved my job I knew it was time to call it a day.

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I was hoping you would be rid of Mr Richard Brainy by now.

I am sure others will explain who that is. I remember the awful pressure that you were under at COVID time

What has all this to do with system pics plse?


Rather excellent methinks!

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“Abbbsolutely…nothin’ !!!
Say it again…”

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Thank you. I’ve been working for 50 years non stop (14 years in the Merchant Navy and 36 years in the technology /IT industry) so figured it is long enough.

I’m 66 now so just became a “triple locker”. Happy days.

My retirement will address the 5 things I haven’t spent enough time with over recent decades:

  1. My wife, children and grandchildren
  2. My guitar
  3. My road bike
  4. My camera
  5. My passport

The challenge now is to get a photograph of all those 5 things together :rofl:


I think this is my fault (sorry). I posted my System Pics a few hours ago and mentioned in the post that I’d recently retired so that started the discussion and comments you now see.

I’m sure there’ll be more systems along momentarily? :crossed_fingers:


Just getting us back on track with a system pic, while enjoying the sunshine (however worrying the implications of warm snaps like this may be).

I also note that I thought I had retired, but discovered that it is possible to fail at it…


Simply Stunning :heart_eyes:

Wrong forum @JohnF ?

However, I do agree that football does appear a different sport to us far too often.

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Why are some folk so worried if for a few entries there is no picture of a piece of hifi?

If something is no interest please just pass over and move on, no need for comment.

Some of us may find the odd extra “intrusion” more interesting than endless fraim pictures!

If you want to see the pictures, move on and stop when you see one! - easy really…

I wonder how so many here have an early retirement, I could never afford to stop work till I could swap work salary for the OAP, almost a straight swap, no, I get slightly more now I have the OAP, and yes it is all my fault as I had poorly paid jobs, and never had a pension pot to add to the OAP, and never had enough spare cash to make a private pension. Too many years spend flitting from job to job, and being self-enployed, and not valuing my labour.

If you want a picture…

which I added to my stack last year, after I sold the NAT02 as I hardly used it anymore, for very little money, though it still caused problems with the domestic finance…

Of course, seeing the system pictures, and realising the costs folk have made in hifi investment, I guess it is me that in the imposter here. (I made the initial purchase of my system I suppose at a time I was doing rather better than later, and it has been downhill ever since.)


As you suggest, the many intrusions, excursions and distractions are as interesting as the thread topic. Nothing wrong with a bit of well humoured “topic drift”.

Love your CB system :+1:


Thank you…

The CB system has stood the test of time for me, not just the inability to afford change, it is a very satisfying system.


I’ve found the middle ground of being self employed and working part time at 57, though I’d like to be retired by 60 (well 50, but that hasn’t happened). We are mortgage free and have finished upgrading the home and garden, so are well set in that regard. It mostly now just an equation of filling the gap between now and the state pension at 65.

At the moment the income is useful as we want to travel more and that’s not cheap from New Zealand.

I’ve also got my retirement system in place, though a new TT is tempting if I work enough :sunglasses:.


Love the speakers!

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