System Pics 2023

It’s the gunk.

That should stop them right there!!

The morning of my first colonoscopy, the water to my house was shut off thanks to a burst water main in the street outside, which made checking my readiness for the procedure something of a challenge to say the least.

Anyway, back on topic:


Love those DeVores! And the Leben amp!


Well I’ll think of you on Wednesday while having pre-hospitalization for my prostate surgery…
And I’ll post a pic of the ECG machine to restore balance on this thread!


Rest assured that I definitely will not be posting photos of anything relating to my procedure.


Leben CS-600X I suppose?

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No, it’s the earlier CS-600. I found one in wonderful condition that came with lots of sets of spare preamp tubes, the unavailability of which led to the new model. I just wanted something a bit different after 20 years with Naim amps!


I’m sorry. At least you have a nice stereo while you’re stuck at home!

Nice speakers with the Atom, what are they?

Many thanks


The speakers are Acoustic Energy AE1 Active.

I’m using active speakers because my Atom is the Headphone Edition, which does not have a power amplifier. The speakers are connected to the unbalanced preamp outputs. I’m considering using the balanced outputs instead if I can find someone to sell me the necessary cables.


If you ever need a house sitter….:sunglasses:

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Went from 272/555DR/250DR to 272/NDX2/300DR. So much better.
Had also a chance to compare 272/555DR against 272/NDX2, both outputting into the 250DR. No contest, the NDX2 is a gem!


I have them yearly and so consider myself as …erm ….experienced. Two recommendations:

  1. Make the bowel prep drink well in advance and put it in the fridge as it’s much more palatable cold rather than room temperature
  2. Have the sedation - it changes a root canal-like event to something more akin to Trainspotting

Surely, not Trainspotting the movie!

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Oh Wowzer, I remember someone talking about that combo and how they wanted to try it .

( Non forum discussion)

It looks a gem

Best wishes


Thanks for the tips, and sorry to hear that you need them annually. This will be my fifth I think, as I have colitis. Since the first one, which was awful and gave me panic attacks, I’ve chosen sedation. Last time I asked for the maximum and they pretty much knocked me out. I remember going to sleep and my next memory was a nurse asking if I wanted tea and toast. The advice on the prep is really helpful; I can’t do it in advance but we have chilled water in the fridge that we use for the Sodastream. Thanks again.



I tried to read the score on the wall, but pixels are not enough… If it’s been framed it must have a special meaning.
The room is almost perfect to my taste, I’m after something like this for my renovation… Perhaps with a minimal touch of ‘coziness’ more, but congratulations!


We’re having a nice holiday in Australia :sunglasses: