System Pics 2023

yes sorry bout that - deleted it

So here’s a system pic


The Atacama stand looks very nice. Not often seen around these parts.

Suppose you could apply that to 90% of the posts on this thread.
Hello Mrs. Jones, how’s your Bert’s lumbago?


Mustn’t grumble…


Don’t know what you’re on about. He posted a picture of an album he was listening to in the wrong thread. I do agree though that there’s a lot of gibberish here.

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For a good few years I started this thread and tried to keep it on topic. Every time I did so, someone would have a hissy fit, and some people became quite nasty. By this time in the year it has pretty much run its course, after all there are only so many people who wish to post, and only so many different ways in which they can do it.

I do tend to agree that the asides are often more interesting than the actual pictures; it’s just about knowing when to get back on topic.

This is my ND555 remote, which I use to control my Nova. It’s beautifully made and so much nicer than the rather nasty shiny plastic thing that comes with the Classic streamers.


This beauty is still my favourite


That’s the one that came with the CD555, is it not? It’s a very nice design for sure.

I still like the industrial styling of the original NAC 52 remote. Absolutely zero attention to ergonomics but it does give your fingers a work out :joy:.

Unfortunately it now only works when the ambient temperature is below 28C. Bit of a weird one that. So it has been replaced for everyday use by this one which I find kind of attractive.


For my hand, easiest to hold and use, and not entirely unattractive. So good I now have three.


@steviebee beat you to the reply I was expecting from you Tony. :joy:

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Behave, Graham. You’ve been listening to that DSOTM - reflux - one time too many.:sunglasses:



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I’m not sure ( never owned a CD555, much as I’d like to ). The remote just oozes quality to me.

I love it (but also have a couple of others in the drawer as I don’t think it covers all the possible uses - should I ever need them).

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Don’t think they made it for very long due to having to make 4 completely differently shaped legs!

It was bought quite some time ago and I had some longer legs as I’d got a pair of Quad tube amps that needed quite a bit of space. Atacama chopped them in half for me when I asked for my Naim kit. Sits nice and solid and as you say looks the part!

It’s a very nice stand, and certainly much better looking than Atacama’s other stuff. It suits the new classics very well, and has plenty of space for the Michell. Have you considered raising the 222 up a shelf, to get it away from the NPX300? The Core could even go in another room.

It was certainly one of the two remotes supplied with the NAC552, the other being the much more useful Narcom 5. As for the ND555 remote, I don’t find that particularly useful either. The only functions I use are pause/play, mute and volume +/- and that’s only when the iPad (or NARCOM 5) is not to hand.

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Those are what I use too, as well as the setup button to get to things you can’t do with the app. It’s just good not to have to pick up the phone.

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I had one of those when I had the ND555. Lovely, and reassuringly weighty. This is my current favourite remote. Heavy, and could easily be used to repel intruders! :grinning:


I can see why you like it. Lovely and solid, and easy to use.