System Pics 2023

Hi @HungryHalibut - I’ve actually got the 300 on the bottom shelf with the 250 above it then the 222 and found this works fine - I’m running the Core direct into the 222 having found the sound quality to me at least better than via the network.

What an excellent looking rack. It looks like the bamboo of an Atacama but higher up the chain than my 60-40 evoque SE2.

To add to the ‘Show us your remote’ side shoot in this thread, here’s my Flash remote which came with the outstanding CDSII. It weighs about a pound and feels very purposeful. A work of passion from Naim.


We need a new thread - Show us your remote. :wink:



I believe its called the Atacama Elite Eco 6 and is a little bit larger than most stands!

This is mine (that is my remote finger)!


Should include my legs, but that would be too far off topic…


@MaxBertola hi. Yes the score is the vocal and rhythm arrangement for a song called Twilight Zone by Manhattan Transfer which I played endlessly in the late 70s. The producer and arranger was Jay Graydon, who also played a fabulous solo on the Steely Dan track Peg and produced some great albums for Al Jarreau.
My taste has broadened since then, but I still remember how excited those tracks used to make me feel.
Alan Paul of Manhattan Transfer gave me those arrangements and they’re all signed.
I can’t read music though!!


My kids were my remote until they became teenagers.


Now they probably are remote :slight_smile:


I would assume most of the remotes have been rebranded by naim with slight custom details made except for 500 series and top tier versions. I had a Goldnote product for trial which looked very similar to the naim remote.

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Still want one. It looks the best!


Very cool…

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My Local dealer are here to install a pick up. But i do not have the anti skating weight. He will come by another evening to install it.


The remote for my Moon integrated amplifier (also falls in the category of a home defense utility).


It’s pretty much all I need in a remote (I usually use my finger too @fergch!)
I don’t need to control my stereo with an app or ipad, so the R Com is near perfect.

And it is gorgeous!

I also love how it subtly lights up when I pick it up (small things, small… I know :slight_smile: )


Good luck with your op!

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HH is correct as that remote is what came with my CD555, but I don’t know if Naim supplied it with any other product.

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It was supplied with the NAC552 too as I said above.


I bought mine separately from any boxes.
Saw it, liked the simplicity and design.

I feel for you and @thebigfredc having had so many - I have had three and find the prep drink completely nauseating. The procedure has been very painful even with some sedative so if there’s a next time I will ask for a much higher level of sedation. Good luck with getting through it.