System Pics 2023

Here’s a stereo, or ‘system’ if you must, in all its messy, untidy, undusted glory:



I didn’t see the post, people do (and have done far too often) get worked up over cables but never music . I speak as someone who in the last 12 month has ordered CDs by
Matt Monroe
The Seekers
Roger Whitaker

Nobody has been at all rude , though on this forum I try very hard not to be abrasive

best wishes


Good news Simon. Yes there’s a few on the forum who can be, lets say, ‘music snobs’ & whilst we can all have a go back (usually after some alcohol :rofl:) it’s best just to inore the posts.
Your love of all types of music is clear from your posts, long may they continue :+1:
Take care, Ian


I didn’t see the post either, and unless you made a statement about the music, which may invite a response, I can’t see the sense in attacking music that someone is simply stating they are listening to. I am sure many don’t like what I like, and I certainly see music on the “What Are You Listening To” thread that makes me go “Yuk” - but why would I bother to share that opinion when all they did was indicate this is what they had on the system at that time?

OTOH, I have found many cool albums from that same thread, which I have purchased…my only regret being I sometimes can’t remember who to thank for pointing it out to me!


For my room, Zazens have been excellent. I actually bought Fraim and had to send it back as it didn’t work as well as the Zazens. It’s still a big mystery to me and I can only explain it with the suspended floors structure. Zazens have a great deal of midrange resolution, which opened up the vocals and added more insight into instruments that carry the pace in the midrange. I plan to move from here at some point and revisit Fraim in the future.

Thanks Marty. I’m considering getting two for my dCS streamer and clock.

Some swift work by your friendly neighbourhood sparky has the cabin online again.

Was only down for the weekend but it felt a long time to be without the bolt hole in full working condition.

Also learnt that it’s called “energised” and not “online”, when describing if it has power or not, although my spark is a bit of a joker so could be spinning me any line to be fair.


I am jealous every time I see your cabin - I’d have Mrs. DM sliding my meals under the door!

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Cheers, it’s amazing how much more you appreciate something when it’s not there. One of the best investments I ever made, will be 10 years since it went up in March next year.

I was still able to use it this weekend, with power facilitated by a long extension lead but it wasn’t the same and good to get it sorted. Especially as the temperature is dropping and need to bring the heater online, which has the biggest power draw.

Will give it a deserved winter ready clean inside as with the summer and hot autumn along of the small leaves etc get carried in.

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Good to see you back posting Q.

I also missed seeing all those Wordles your lovely wife figured out for you, bless her :rofl:

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A great choice. Once you’re hooked the next one should be Moving Pictures.

There’s a reason why it’s their highest selling album.


Well that’s cheered me up. I know it’s hard but we can’t let them get to us. Keep on listening, posting and introducing me to good music.


That’s a good find ! Just ordered…only have one Rush album…2112 …so it would seem rude not to investigate further !


Hi Simon, really glad you are staying, its only recent, that I started to post what my listening choices were, fairly run of the mill, most of the time, I like most things and think the forum has been a great resource for finding new gems, at the end of the day, if you enjoy it, play it :+1:


I don’t use social media either @QuickSticks. Keep the faith. You are a great poster and have come along way with your system with massive changes.

I am here to support you too. Ignore the bad. There’s too much good on this forum.

Sending you peace and love man ! :heart_eyes:


Thanks @Paul52135. Still waiting patiently for one Fraim shelf and NDS to come back from HQ!

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I much prefer Jon Anderson

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Yes and Rush are two of my favourite bands so I can have a foot in both camps. Always nice to see Hemispheres and Villa S getting honourable mentions above!


Personal view (obvs), but I wouldn’t start with Hemispheres. Moving pictures is miles better. Hemispheres suffers in comparison to 2112 and Farewell to Kings. Those three should be your first three before Hemispheres. On Hemispheres, La Villa Strangiato is outstanding but Cygnus X1 is nothing compared to either 2112 side 1 or Xanadu. The Trees is kind of cute, but annoying after a few listens.

The Dream Theatre cover of Xanadu on the 40th anniversary Farewell to Kings is fully worth some loud play.


Good news, just remember people generally are just expressing an opinion. Unfortunately some are a little forceful in their execution and the written word doesn’t always carry tone or mood correctly.

Look forward to seeing your posts. :+1: