System Pics 2023

What do you expect from a group of grumpy old men. Sensitivity would be last on the list. A sense of humour (which the British are famous for according to King Charles :joy:) usually helps

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It certainly does but it doesnā€™t excuse bad behaviour.


Yes very true. There are enough wars in the world chaps. Letā€™s keep the Naim forum civilised


Musics a fun hobby, Naim does a great job of conveying music, so the forum should be a fun place to hang out :sunglasses:



The ā€œMarmiteā€ word is appropriate here. I first heard Geddy on Tommy Vanceā€™s Friday rock show back in the day. It was stuff from the Exit Stage Left live album. Ok, he has a very high pitched voice but in the context of the time there were a lot of other similar vocalists. Geddy however had a uniqueness which combined with the music made Rush one of the most popular rock bands of their age. I never realised not liking his voice was a thing until someone mentioned it to me down the pub one night. These days I kind of understand it because I have a similar issue with the Whiney Sam Smith. I just canā€™t listen to him (No offence to any Sam Smith fans itā€™s just the way I am). However, on the subject of Marmite where there are two types of person, those who love it and those who hate it, I much prefer Bovril on toast for my breakfast. There are also two types of person here. Those who love it and those who havenā€™t tried it yet :joy:


My first listen to Rush was Exit Stage Left back in the 80s courtesy of Tommy Vance. Itā€™s a pretty good intro and got me hooked instantly. I bought Archives the next day as they didnā€™t have Exit in stock at WHSmiths.


eh, can we move on please?


I think you meant to post a picture of your system? :wink:

Hereā€™s my #2:


Post 1948 fan then?

Oh, nice system.

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I was and still am to a certain extent a great fan of prog rock and when I retire intend to revisit many of my vinyl collection, but no time at the moment due to other priorities. That said I appreciate more classical music these days, including concert going which was rudely interrupted by Covid.
Each to their own as they say.

I hate marmite and bovril by the way :joy:


With two copies of Birds of Fire at the front, I have to agree.

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Threeā€¦my original UK first, then a Japanese first and a Speakers Corner. Thereā€™s a US first in the post as well.

Loved it since it was released.

(Not really a thread derailment as itā€™s linked to my posted photo).


Geddy Leeā€™s squeaky voice made Rush a complete no-go for me back in the day and even now I struggle with it - I have no Rush albumsā€¦

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Iā€™m with Svetty regarding Leeā€™s voice - but I admire the excellence of the bandā€™s musicianship.

Hereā€™s my bedroom ā€œsystem,ā€ submitted as currency for commenting on Rush.


I also support love shown for Rush and Geddy:
Here is my No. 4 Guest Bedroom System.
SQ Box, Nytech 202/52 Friday afternoon Build
DIY TT (using Rega and Linn Parts) with Logic Tonearm.


Try Patty waters - College Tour 68.



Couldnā€™t resist it. Sorry! The man himself.

Interestingly he doesnā€™t use Bass amps on stage any more preferring to connect the bass directly into the PA system. His stage Bass rig has in the past been replaced by tumble dryers and vending machines :blush:

Canā€™t find out what music system he listens to otherwise Iā€™d have posted a picture of that. Maybe someone knows.

Iā€™ll get my coat now and see if I can find myself a life. :man_shrugging:


Geddyā€™s autobiography (My Effin Life) is out on 14 November - Iā€™ve pre-ordered it.

Rushā€™s ā€˜Permanent Wavesā€™ LP always sounds good my system.


Just to buck the current trend of this thread, I thought it time to post an actual System Pic:wink:

Yes, it looks much the same as previous pics since the Keilidhā€™s returned to duty and the Rel T5/x joined themā€¦
ā€¦the Eagle Eyed amongst you will notice an addition to the Fraim inventory.
Yes, a second HiCap DR has joined the partyšŸ˜Š
Tomorrow Tony from Basically Sound will be popping by to finish of the Rel install (permanent cable solution) and maybe make another tweak or two.
Folks, this system is now finished.
I know; famous last words.
Yes of course there are options (2x HC > SC; XPS DR > NDX2; Keel etcā€¦), but it doesnā€™t NEED any of those and the rule of diminishing returns applies :man_shrugging:t2:
I would like to thank all those of you that have contributed to my journey and not least of which are Tony & Graham @ Basically Sound and Alistair, Andy, Mike & Kevin @ Signals.
You have all (mostly) been very helpful and I will be giving updates on impressions and music for the foreseeable futurešŸ˜‰