System Pics 2023

Nice! Kindly let us know what the additional HiCap brings to the party. Enjoy!

A more profound silence to the quiet moments first and foremost.
I feel there is a greater depth and clarity.
I would like to say that the Bass has picked up a step, but weā€™re still playing with settings on the Rel so thatā€™s not certain.
On the other hand Treble and Vocal have been lifted I feel, but it again is a little difficult to fully quantify, given all the upgrades that have occurred in the last few months.
Some credit to the above improvements could easily be apportioned to the NDX2 which is probably close to being well run in now.
A clearer case for a slower upgrade path could not be made perhapsā€¦:man_shrugging:t2:


I would just like to say that I think all the changes have left me with a system that I am completely thrilled with and feel quite happy to just sit and enjoy it now.
It is all about the MUSIC after all :wink: :blush:


Your enjoyment is the most important thing with your system all else is mutual discussion.
One question.
Have you thought about keeping it strictly Two channel with maybe taking out the sub and just move the speakers further back.
I canā€™t imagine there being a need for boosted bass with those.
Itā€™s true what they say newer isnā€™t always better. :wink: :+1:t2:


Yeah, we tried it without the sub first and then added it.
System definitely benefits from the Sub.
Itā€™s funny, because I never understood why people added a sub to a 2 channel system until nowā€¦:man_shrugging:t2:


My bedroom system is the same, only in blackā€¦

I really like it, except updates are a PITA - I always have to unplug it (and remove the battery pack) to reboot it for the update to take effect. And the buttons on top only work inconsistently; it seems to be software/firmware related, but I canā€™t pin it down exactly.

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Nice equipment stand - what is it ?

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Even before the recent upgrades your system was evidently put together with a lot of thought and VFM in mind. I love how you resist forum conventional wisdom and follow your own judgement and ears, congrats on your awesome kit.

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Custom built by kansoaudiofurniture. Although I think Aaron is semi-retired now, good stuff, matches my Dynaudio speakers in Mocca.

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Nice stuff - I often see furniture I like which ends up being made in the US and therefore difficult to get in the UK.

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And I see nice audio racks on the forum, only to find they are unavailable in the USA!

I guess the grass is always greener on the other side of the pond! :grinning:

Yep - always the way :roll_eyes:

Never say never :joy:
I wouldnā€™t call a Radikal ā€œdiminished returnsā€.
IMHO I really think itā€™s one of the best ā€˜bang for buckā€™ improvements


I hate it when iā€™ve missed something.

You can get a used Radikal 1 for about Ā£1700. Trading in a Lingo 4 for say Ā£800 against it would be pretty tempting I think. Ā£900 net upgrade cost plus maybe some labour :thinking:

Nothing to see here @Jamiewednesday :wink:
Weā€™re all good neighbours again, well mostlyā€¦

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Wow, if it the thread I am thinking about it must have escalated quickly since I left work! Whatever it is I hope you are OK @QuickSticks

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Iā€™m just fine Ryder, Iā€™m quite content that I havenā€™t lost my way at all. :wink:


A 72 all aglow: