System Pics 2023

Agree getting fed up of rush now

What is it?

Now itā€™s all in place Dan itā€™s time to really sit back and enjoy it and cold turkey w.r.t. upgraditis.
It will never be perfect but enjoy it for what it is knowing that it is miles better than a lot of music reproduction systems.

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Are you counting the Cisco switch as one of the 13?

Audiolab 7000CDT, replacing the Sony PS One CD experiment. The PS One was brilliant, but at 20 plus years old the mech is failing and causing skipping.


Thereā€™s nowhere else to go @anon17458420. Itā€™s done.

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Nice. It will sound great and look much better. You have lovely looking system and donā€™t want something on rack looking a bit past itā€™s day! Great choice.

Thank you.
Your system looks amazing and I bet it sounds incredible :blush:

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Just a suggestion, not sure what others thinkā€¦

Maybe move Graham Slee phono stage over to the left either next to Lingo or over to the left on the shelf itā€™s on now just to move it away from transformers in Lingo and ND5XS2.


I had it like that before for reasons you suggest. Take it to the left on separate shelf.

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Job done.

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Thank you for suggestion.


Looks good,Dan. You must be a happy chappy!

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Absolutely. Nice finish but very heavy :joy:

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Itā€™s off the rack. And there are power supplies for Phonostage and NAS. But they arenā€™t proper boxes.

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Iā€™m knackered just looking at the pics with you moving these boxes around. :cold_sweat::hot_face:


Go to sleep @Tony :sleeping:

Iā€™m knackered too. :sleeping:

At least Iā€™m not moving speakers around!