System Pics 2023

@Dan_M how about swapping the Fraim shelf that the Graham Slee phono stage sits on with the ND5XD2 Fraim lite shelf giving the ND5XS2 full fat Fraim.

I doubt the Graham Slee phono stage needs the glass

I think I saw a pink pooping poodle ornament displayed somewhere. That would possibly kill the appetite to spend more on HiFi :wink:

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Normally there is a rug but it’s been packed away as I’m about to move to another flat (but it actually sounds fine without as the room is sufficiently damped by other furniture and curtains). New system pics to follow in due course.

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The NDX2 is in for a repair (uggggghh) and so the Nova is on duty. Playing around with speakers and these little Neats never cease to bring a smile to my face. These are the Iota Alphas but I’m seriously considering the Iota Xplorers now


It could be worse - you could be moving CD555 (surrogate anchor) around like me. :joy:

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Those Xplorers are seriously good. If I was ever tempted to change from my SBL’s they’d be first on the audition at home list, probably followed by some Cornwalls :+1:


Iota Alphas and Xplorers are both great - we have the first in my girlfriend’s house and the second in the Tasmania cottage. They really benefit from sorting out what is underneath them -I can recommend Isoacoustic Gaias.

Hi Nick, may I ask what type of floor your Neats sit on? I have sold concrete flooring with tiles so have always been hesitant to go for the Isoacoustic Gaias.

I have a sprung wooden floor under the B&W 804D3s in Wimbledon.

In Tasmania, we have an ‘engineered wood’ floor directly on concrete. The speakers are Neat Xplorers.

My girlfriend has tiles in her kitchen, with iota Alphas.

There is a thread about Gaias. With some floors in some rooms and with some systems, perfectly sensible people tried Gaias and either found them worse than spikes or worse than other options (e.g. Townshend). The greatest % success was on bouncy wooden floors and the lowest was on a thick shag pile carpet resting on tiles, but there were naysayers and fans in just about every category.

Fortunately, you don’t have to guess about these things and certainly don’t need to trust my example as applying to your situation. I’d suggest that you give Gaias a listen and return/ sell them if you don’t like the result.

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Here’s my family room system with freshly added Gaias under the 22 year old Aktiv Linn Ninkas. Behind the picture is a large opening for a CRT TV repurposed to house the Linn 5125 amplifier and Mytek Brooklyn Bridge streamer/preamp.

This system has to fit in with all of the other uses for the room where TV dominates and WAF reigns supreme (the Nordost Super Flatline speaker cables pushed the limit a bit). Placement is less than acoustically ideal but those are the compromises that have to be made to get a system into the downstairs while remaining married!

The easel and paper have, so far, been successful at keeping young fingers away from the tweeters!


Looks all very neat and tidy. Do you use the fireplace, and if so doesn’t it cook the Ninkas?

Thanks. My wife would disagree with, but secretly appreciate the compliment!

We’ve used the fireplace maybe 3 times in 5 years. It’s propane fan assist and we sit pretty close to it so no worries about the heat.

Thanks Nick. Yes have read the thread and appreciate your feedback on the Neats.

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Enjoying my little system in the morning with the wonderful Pharoah Boxset.

Happy and peaceful Sunday @all :blush:




So, with the exception of a cable (Nordost SPDIF RCA/BNC) due Monday/Tuesday, this is the FINAL configurationđŸ„ł
I am a really happy camper now😊

Fraim from the top
1: NAC 282
2: Audiolab 7000CDT
3: NAP 300DR
4: 2x HiCap DR
5: NAP 300 PS

TT Rack
1: LP12 with Lingo 4 behind
2: NDX 2
3: Cyrus Phono Signature/PSX R2

On the Floor
Linn Keilidh’s in Cherry
(upgraded with Scanspeak tweeters)
Rel T5/x
NAPSC (behind the Rel)


Hi max. how are you?
And do you recognized it?


Beautiful autumn sunshine


Hi Simon

The Audiolab 7000CDT fits in rather well on your fraim with a very similar box width and the design of the fascia layout blends nicely too. Hope you enjoy your new source. :+1:


Good to see the PlayStation has now been usurped :+1: