System Pics 2023

In fairness, it was really nice and had a very interesting and enjoyable sound signature.
The Audiolab is channeled through the NDX 2 so sounds very similar in most respects to the Streamer…:man_shrugging:t2:


Know I’ve said it before, but can’t resist repeating…
Those Linn Keilidh’s in Cherry look so right, in there.
They are such a nice looking floor stander :+1:

Happy listening


Thanks @ratrat
The whole system looks great, but the Keilidh’s have always held a special place for us both.
More to the point however, the whole thing sounds bl00dy amazing!


I’m sure you’re rightly pleased with it all.
Great that you stayed with the Cyrus phono and added Karousel + L4, to the LP12.

Just curious- which of NDX2 or LP12 - do you think is the better source?


LP12 on a good record, but the NDX2 beats it for high quality consistency :wink:
But for pure SQ, it’s got to be the LP12 really.


Ooh that’s a very long story and one of the most popular threads I can remember

Added a spare Yam wxad10 streamer to daughters system, sounds great, cracking speakers the AE100’s.


Agreed. Maybe same situation for us too.

In our house, the streaming does the heavy lifting. That’s (1) ND5 XS2 + nDAC, or (2) Innous ZENmini + LPSU, which are always on and playing something.

But, the best source in the house is our LP12. If we wish to sit and properly listen, this source is preferred, (and best SQ), in our house. :+1:



Really neat stack of crimson in that perfect stand.:+1:


Thanks! I’ve been thinking about the design for a long time) I liked the result.


Really nice set-up. Clearly a lot of thought gone into that system. Nice :+1:

Great photos too.
Thanks for sharing.


That’s a great set up @MikeOz. Simple and classy. Bet is sounds great too!

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Are you done on upgrades or still seeking Mr @QuickSticks ?

Trouble is so many bargains out there now. I think it will be a big season for upgrades for many with New Classics selling and guys trading in meaning sales of classic gear at bargain prices.

Aesthetically I think you’ve done the right thing. I toyed with the idea of adding an Audiolab transport but I’ve never had a cd player I really enjoyed and that includes Denon, Audiolab, Naim and Marantz. I really tried but have settled now on vinyl and streaming. Next step will be a non-dr cd555ps for the NDS. Then like you “lm done!”. :wink:

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Surely a DR 555PS is way to go. NDS works better with it. Bargains are out there now!

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@QuickSticks and @Paul52135
Wish I was done too. Although nearly there. On my list…
Maybe a PSU for the nDAC. And decent floor standing speakers. So, maybe be a few years yet.
Then, I think I might be done :wink:

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Just me, George Harrisong and a glass of wine. Still with the interim 250DR. The 300DR is back on the bench at Salisbury HQ – six weeks on and the fault has yet to be identified. No complaints – the 250 is excellent.


Adding a HiCap DR to my Wife’s 202/200 system is on the cards as I have an option on a preloved one through my dealer for a very good price.
The only other thing that could be added in the future or an XPS DR for the NDX 2, but I’m more than happy to wait so not actively seeking that.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Get a 555PSDR instead if you can. Much better.