System Pics 2023

…and 3x the price £££🤣

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Not any more. Go on ebay and there is an auction for one.

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Prices are coming down. Dealers are selling old stuff on.

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I’m not in a position to do it just now, but it’s certainly a worthwhile consideration for next year. Thank you for the heads up though😉


Non DR is almost half the price and I feel non DR is a better fit with the Olives. My XPS is non DR and even that sounds pretty amazing.

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Sorry for posting another non-Naim pic but rest assured I love Naim and my Olive system (just right of this system) would have used if I would have had a xlr-din cable. Again, I am totally blown away by R-2-R! You should try it if you get a chance. I just visited a Hifi show in Malmoe (Sweden) and had a lovely chat with Jan-Eric Persson (Opus3) and he will make we master tape copies for all his analog classical guitarr titles! Also, the Nordost QB10 reference and QKore help me with connecting to the music.


@ratrat @Dan_M Thanks guys! Every day I get positive emotions from listening to the system. I love her and respect her)


Looking good. I’m curious how you decided on the Audiolab 7000. I have the 6000 and sometimes wonder if the 7000 is a clear step up or just a marginal improvement.

It was purely down to mathematics.
6000 £499
7000 £495 after a great deal option.
I felt that the 7000 has to be at least as good as the 6000 and saving money as well meant it was a no brainer…:man_shrugging:t2:


Hi can I ask how you find the Nd5xs2 now you have moved on to the Ndx2 just curious to get your take having them both, appreciate they are in different systems , thanks.

Forgive me, but your Linn speakers are designed to work close to a rear wall. This is what the manual says:

KEILIDH speakers have been designed to perform best when placed close to

a wall. Ideally the rear of the loudspeaker should between 4" and 12" (10 cm

and 30 cm) from the wall,

There is no way that they are going to perform as intended with the way you have positioned them. No surprise that you need a sub, they must have close to zero bass on their own positioned so far out!


Such a amazing system! Love Your beautiful Keilidh’s :notes::100:


I have had Linn Kelidhs and they were good. They sound really musical but lacked what I wanted. And so I sold them and got Focal Aria 936s which had a bigger sound. Much much more volume. Massive modern speakers and huge improvement in terms of what I wanted.

And have kept 936s into conservatory. My system has a switch whereby I can play main system into conservatory speakers.

Now I have Focal Sopra 2s in listening room and they are on a different level. I mean totally different.

It’s a comparison between £400 speakers and £15k speakers. What I am saying is you are spending all this money in electronics and listening to Linn Kelidhs. Listen to some £7000 speakers and hear the difference. I bought my Focal Sopra 2s for £6995 half price.

People forget that speakers can make biggest difference to system.


What I am saying is your speakers are holding your system back.

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Congratulations. You have put together a fantastic system in what seems to have been a relatively short space of time. Bet it sounds amazing. Enjoy the music!

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It’s up to @QuickSticks how he uses his speakers. But there’s no way on earth they will sound as Linn intended with them postioned so far away from the wall - sub or no sub.

Seems a shame to not use such a lovely pair of speakers how the manufacturer designed them to be used for the best results.

But there you go …

I had some Kabers for a while, and they were only a few inches from the back wall. I wasn’t powering them adequately at the time, with only a 102/180, so never got to hear what they were capable of, but what I did hear was great. They cost me £250.


I have owned them for 30 years in 3 separate homes on many system variations in several different rooms.
I am quite happy with how I am using my speakers in the space that I have them in.
My room, my system, my ears.


Great album! :heart:

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How do you find the rel t5/x , is it any good at low volume listening and how easy was to integrate into the system .