System Pics 2023

Oh Dan, what terrible news, and just when things were looking so much brighter. If anyone can fight, you can, with your wonderful positive attitude. Even though you don’t know us in person, we are all here for you, and rooting for you.


It’s secondary cancer. So after fighting anal cancer I was given cure prognosis. Now it has come back in liver. Liver is delicate area. So they can only do chemo or surgery if possible.

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Did you mean Fraimwork. :wink: :grimacing:

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FFS!! You’re having rotten luck health wise @Dan_M. Stay strong and best wishes from she and me.


That is precisely why I opened up to you guys. I feel so much support.


Thanks Graeme. The ironic thing is I look fit and healthy. I have a pulse of 50. I am a builder and fit as a fiddle!


I read your next post after my Fraimwork joke.
That puts it all in perspective you have my very best wishes and hope you stay strong. :slightly_frowning_face:


You are very brave to share this on here and it shows what a trusted place this is. Although we only communicate remotely, it is clear from the responses so far that you are among friends who only wish you the very best.


All the best Dan.


But when not in use they could be put in the corner and act as room treatment🤣

Anyway life goes on. I ordered two pieces of glass for my system to complete the project. System is sounding fantastic. I am enjoying it so much. And this is why I did my upgrades after battle with anal cancer. No regrets on spending the money. I did it knowing my health was uncertain. It has given me so much pleasure.

I am going to fight this cancer. I have 4 kids and they need me. Guys, you are all amazing. And look, no more fights on here, okay? :grin:


Ah dude! Keep positive and keep that fighting attitude. All the best


Hi Nigel. Dealing with mortality is only way to deal with this. There is respect on here, connectuon and above all hope for the future whether that be children, family or friends. I hope that this forum is a family who look after each other. We may fight, disagree but it’s a Naim family!


Keep strong Dan. You are right about this forum, it offers more than just audio advice!


Only focus on the possibilities. Mindset is a strong force :pray: Give it all you can :facepunch::muscle::green_heart:


This is the thing. I was told 6 months ago that they would remove my bladder, prostate and resection my bowel. Then July 2nd was told I am cured. Now I am told I have liver cancer to be confirmed. I will fight this. I am positive. I will set everything up if I die. I will do everything I can. Message to everyone. Never ever give up. I am strong, resolute and whatever happens I have done my best.

Anyway. Someone post some pics FFS. Otherwise I will post more of mine which I have done enough of. Besides, will post some more when I have two sheets of glass!

Let’s celebrate our systems and please be kind and respectful of each other going forwards.

Much love,



A bloody old old pic in the spirit of inspirational Dan.


So sorry to hear your news Dan - your attitude is amazing and I hope you get some positive health news after your scans.


Thanks, all the same now.? Wonderful system.

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Just for you Dan

Embrace the mess, I am experimenting with dads etc at the moment

Left stack solstice, 252, Brinkmann nyquist

Right stack Hugo TT2, Innuos Pulsar, Supercap DR

Floor phoenix net

Not connected at the moment solstice ps and phono stage

All into ATC 40a