System Pics 2023

No matter what happens I am positive. I have had a chequered but vivid life. Nothing has been easy. I have made the hard decisions and taken the knocks. But bright sunshine and glorious days I look out to the sun and see brightness and light.

I am positive and I will never give up.

This is a big set back and I am aware of that.

Nothing is impossible. Listening to Meddle Pink Floyd right now.

Celebrate your systems guys. Lets see more system pics and positivity and no arguments. Or not big ones. Lol :grin:


Dipping my toe back into vinyl, so added an old but very nice Rega Planar 3 and the Pro-ject Record Box E phonostage to the nearfield system. Why now? I blame @Dreadatthecontrols and a rather nice Chilean Merlot. Hey ho. Discogs here I come.


Your fortitude is remarkable. You are an inspiration to me and likely many members of our wonderful forum. Best wishes Dan.


So sorry to hear your news.
I hope that this forum can provide encouragement and support.


System is wonderful, you have great kit there! You are not a tidy guy. Lol. Loving it as it is! A work in progress. Sometimes its better that way tbh. Keeping everything neat and tidy looks nice but experimenting and playing with system is more fun.


Itā€™s a bummer for sure. But facing mortality also makes one focus on living. I lost a friend to melanoma and was then diagnosed with it myself, fortunately non-invasive - but it took three surgeries on my face and I wear my pirate scars. My wife had cancer at 52 and has come out the other side of that after three years. As Iā€™m sure you know, such events will focus you on getting the best out of your life. And better hi-fi systems to enjoy :sunglasses:


Should have posted with the new Melco S1-38 serverā€¦ā€¦need a better pic, and dustedšŸ˜‚


Fight on, my friend - you are ā€œDan the Manā€!

Best wishes in your battle (liver is a tough one), and support and love from the Forum.


So basically I am single. Been married, divorced have 3 kids with ex wife. Had 5 relationships since divorce. Another kid aged 3. I am fighting for everything. I am not ready to give up on this world especially with 4 kids and an amazing 13 box system :heart_eyes:

Guys, I am going nowhere. Lets get on with business.

And if things donā€™t work out and I die in a few years time. Itā€™s okay. Because I live every day knowing that life is amazing.

So keep those pics coming in and positive vibes.

Thanks for your support :pray:. You are all great. Remember that.


Thank you DrMark. Much appreciated. You guys are helping me so much.


And it points out the futility of so many things that we are forced to worry about. What Dan is doing is a very good approach, IMO.

I knew a guy who was all about work and stress, and then he got ALS. He quit on the spot and realized how ā€œwrongā€ heā€™d been his whole life.


We all die at some point. Being positive, loving and sharing things is important. I want to live forever. But I have to look at the realities. Some people on here have maybe questioned on here why I spent so much on my system after taking a lump sum and early pension from company I used to work for.

I may have to sell it all off to fund my living in the future.

But I had a dream system and I lived it. It means alot to me. Itā€™s not just hifi. Itā€™s part of me. Maybe it will be my gift ro my children IF I donā€™t make it.

But I am not giving up. Never give up!


Oh, Dan, Iā€™m so sorry to read this, after all you have been through already.

Stay strong, old chap!


All the best Dan - take care and stay strong


Oi! I am only 50. Should be young man to you. Thanks for your message. :blush:


Youā€™re a spring chicken compared to my 68 years!


So guys thanks for listening to my problems much appreciated.

But this is what I have ended up with.


2 sheets of glass on order and Naim ball bearings and cups for two shelves.

System sounds good. Seem to be having internet issues again which I had with NDS. Now not dissimilar with ND5XS2. Always something wrong so it seems.

Not letting it get me down. Maybe I will change internet provider!


Have you tried a different router? Not sure how your digital path from incoming to streamer looks like. I believe changing provider might not solve the issues you have.

Tried to bypass your Cisco?


Yes I have ND5XS2 direct to router. The NAS goes to Cisco. Everything was working fine and then I get glitches and end up rebooting and mucking around with it. Then it works fine.