System Pics 2023

Such positivity in the face of such awful news is an inspiration. Dan, if anyone can beat this thing, I am sure you can.


Thank you so much everyone. It’s new news so I am digesting it all if that makes sense. I have lived life to the full. I have made lots of mistakes. Have learnt alot. And I have 4 kids who I love very much. The odds with liver cancer, especially as secondary cancer ain’t great. But it isn’t over yet! I am not ready to give in. And if you met me you would never know anything is wrong. If they start chemo my weight will drop and will make me ill. A necessary evil. Keyhole surgery if they can remove the cancerous area will be ideal.

Anyway, who knows at this stage what they will do. I will do anything to stay alive.

I love my kids so much and they need their Dad. So will do whatever it takes.

In the meantime listening to Billy Idol on NAS drive. Sounds great!


Lots of positive thoughts and energy being sent your way Dan.
I’m so sorry this merry go round has come back at you. Stay strong mate​:muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


Thanks QuickSticks. I am strong and will fight this. I can beat this. And all of you guys are helping me so much. You are all making me smile. Know that. Brothers in Arms.


Hi Dan,

without reading the full thread I thought ‘what idiot is more bothered about a hi-fi than a sofa for family/guests to sit on!’

Then I read further posts.

Whilst I still find it hard to comprehend your expenditure (just my way :man_shrugging:) you have my heartfelt wishes and prayers that you come through this secondary cancer in decent health for many years.

I hope my open honesty comes across as the positive statement intended.

And you’re spot on about no more fights on the forum :joy:

Take care Dan
Ian :crossed_fingers::+1:


So sorry to hear your news Dan, best wishes to you and family,


Wishing you the best Dan. I’m just reading about this. You have my prayers.


Dan, from all your posts (pre and post cancer) I can only say…if there’s one person here who can beat this, it’s you. Never a drama queen, always strong and positive, always eyes on tomorrow. Always a gentleman and always worth reading.

I truly admire your strength, integrity and positive attitude. I wish you nothing but 100% energy and strength.

Go to it. You have a veritable forest of friends standing with you.


All the very best Dan!


Hey Ian,

I am what I am. I spend alot of money on things I maybe shouldn’t.

But I have lived my life to the full. I never sat on the sidelines. I have always lived it. I have been foolish. I have been very full on. I have loved and lost. I have messed up. I have lost everything and got most of it back.

Literally I have been through practically everything you can imagine.

And for the last year the battle has been cancer.

This is bigger than the rest because it’s your health and what you leave behind. And who supports you when you are ill and single?


Dear graham55,

They are Stax 4080 closed back headphones. I bought them about 20 years ago, when domestic circumstances required it.

Apparently a Tokyo radio station asked Stax to make some closed-back 'phones for their professional staff and the devices were so successful that Stax released them on to the consumer market.

Best wishes,

Brian D.


That looks wonderful. Wish I had those speakers as well!

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2013 my Cardiologist told me that I was going to die within the year as my first replacement Aortic valve in 1990 was failing.
Sadly I had just come through a touch and go 6 months after contracting Bacterial Endocarditis for the 2nd time.
They told me I had maybe a 10% chance of surviving the Surgery, but no chance without.
That was 10 years ago next week and I still talk to my Surgeon who I will be forever grateful to.
Never give up, even when the odds are all against you.
I have had 10 years I shouldn’t have and I’m hoping for another 10-20 yet😉


That makes me feel like a million dollars. Thank you so much. Big smile on my face! You have made my day!


Now you’re talking my friend. Keep that positivity. Legend!


Nah, Dan…you’ve made mine. Be well, man.

:fist_right:t3: :fist_left:t4:


Thank you, Brian, Although I have Stax 'phones myself, those shown by you pre-date my knowledge of what the company did earlier. T

Stax once made an electrostatic loudspeaker, but it only sold in small numbers in a limited geographical area, as far as I can tell.

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Sorry to hear about your latest battle Dan, but your positive attitude is inspirational. I personally went through a skin cancer battle recently, and just had a CT scan yesterday as a post op follow up. Just know that the Doctors are a lot smarter than most of us, and advancements in medicine have come a long way.
I am blown away by what they can do these days, I had part of my shoulder blade bone and muscle transferred to my forehead, along with a titanium plate.
Just getting through all the appointments is a pain, but just take it step by step and we are all praying you make it with a clean bill of health.
I never had chemo, so can’t offer any advice there, but I did have a round of radiation.
This all happened 4 years ago to me, so cancer free. My latest surgery is because skin grafts kept falling off over time, so they took a different approach.
I will include a photo I took at a dealer a while back when I got to see/hear the Nait 50.
The Totem’s were being used.


All these floods of support make me feel so humble and shows that there’s so much greatness from you all.

Between us all, I believe we can do anything. And the positive energy you have shown me will make me fight on against cancer.

Sending you all my best wishes, love and respect.
Dan X


Sh1t…sorry, forgot the pic (keep it on track, eh)…

You’d be able to see one speaker if it weren’t hidden by my telescope (in hiding while the shed is renovated)…