System Pics 2023

Really sorry to read that Ca has spread to the liver. :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: itā€™s a solitary lesion amenable to excision. Best of luck mateā€¦

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Hi @Dan_M

I am so sorry to read this awful news.

From the little I know about you and your life, I can still be certain that you really are The Man with the bravery and positive energy you have.

Iā€™m sending you all the good vibes I can, adding a picture of my humble system as requested.


Awful news buddy,stay strong ā€œRebel Yellā€ works for me when I need a lift, NHS will look after you 100%ā€¦ā€¦but you still have too many boxes, god bless and all the best mate

Very sorry to hear your cancer news - have lost far too many friends and family - while others have made spectacular and unlikely recoveries. But have been enjoying your account of your journey with your system.

Having had some negative responses to my last big upgrade, I wasnā€™t going to bother broadcasting the latest one but in the spirit of giving you something to look at and say ā€œwell, at least I havenā€™t been that extravagantā€:


Never seen so many system pics flooding in!

Look guys itā€™s 22mm area of cancer on my liver. Hopefully they can do keyhole surgery. Itā€™s secondary cancer so could grow elsewhere!

The NHS will do everything they can and they are bang on it!

I am staying positive and am listening to music from my fine system.

Whatever happens I have had alot of happiness from this forum. You guys are wonderful. Be proud of yourselves and be happy.

I am feeling a sense of peace and tranquility about life.


OMG that looks epic!


I would absolutely love to have that system. How does it sound Tim. Must be sensational.


Thereā€™s far too much grain (and character) in that wooden plinth for it to be anything from Linnā€™s own stable. Is it walnut perhaps?

Tbh I have no regrets in the extravagances of my system. Some have tried to put me down and take me down. But it is part of me. This is me. My system is my choice, my life.

I spent a small fortune on Fraim and cabling just to get ND5XS2 in. It was worth it.

There are always those who will say donā€™t do it.

A friend of mine has Ā£400k system Silbatone mainly.

And you know what you only live once. Do it.

If you have the funds do whatever makes you happy.

And even if you donā€™t have the funds but can get the cash then do it anyway.

Live your dreams because you canā€™t take it with you.


I think some people get jealous of upgrades rather than celebrating it unfortunately. For me seeing what you have is an absolute inspiration. So pleased for you!


Something to aspire to Tim! Gorgeous system. Well done mate.


Dear Dan, I donā€™t know what to say. Very sad to hear. I loved to read all your fun with the upgrades and hoped that this had given you strength to bring down the cancer cells.
I personally wish you all the best - keep up and do not give up (can only imagine how hard it might be). There are a lot therapeutic options (i can tell, as I am a pharmacist working for a manufacturer of oncology therapeutics)
All the best to you and your family!


Thanks @drago. I am hoping they can do keyhole surgery to remove the affected area. If not chemo to sustain my life as long as possible.

Feeling happy and content and am grateful for the 4 children I have and the joy that they bring. I am able to work still and am fit and healthy so will plough on as normal.

I will continue as I am. Positive and hopeful of brightness in my life.


Love Famous Blue Raincoat.

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Thatā€™s so exceptional - you are a real star. Keeping a positive view is a big step in the right direction. And this must be hard to maintain.
I am from Germany and the UK is known as one of the leading countries in oncology.
Crossing all fingers for the keyhole surgery


I wonder if the CDX.2 would be happier on the top shelf?

Dan, so sorry about your cancer diagnosis. And, like @drago, Iā€™m keeping my fingers crossed for you.


One of the coolest pictures Iā€™ve seen of the new Classic series I think :innocent: (Picture from a dealer in Sweden)


Actually, I did try it there for a few days, but returned the NAC 332 to the top as I found it preferable.

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Great poster (and system!), where did you get it? The poster that is!