System Pics 2023

That looks wonderful and I bet sounds incredible. I honestly think if one has the money and music is very important, it’s worth every penny. I’ve spent a lot, not quite statement level, but if not now, when? On the other hand I’m getting a huge amount of musical pleasure from my two box (not including speakers) second system.

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This post may be useful moved or copied to the current “Hearing Aids” thread.

Would you describe this as your “end game” system now? :joy:

Lets hope so :crossed_fingers:
Unfortunately you never know what’s round the corner in life. We’ve always been of the opinion that you need to look after yourself by staying fit and healthy, eating a good diet and limit alcohol.
Hopefully that helps you live a long and happy life, certainly doesn’t guarantee it though!

I am not 100% sure what it is - it’s a Simplinth that I bought used with some Tangerine Audio bits included at a bargain price when someone needed the money in 2020. It doesn’t really match anything else (I would need a stiletto for that!) but it sounds pretty decent :blush:

Just stumbled across this, not being a frequent visitor to this thread, and add my best wishes to those of others.

The sobering thought there is any one of us may die in a few years - or tomorrow, and some, maybe many of us will have no inkling until it happens, so the moral is to live our lives to the best we can, every day.


Tragically, it doesn’t. A wonderful colleague of mine, who was a hurdler who’d competed for Britain and was training for the olympics, developed cervical cancer and died at 38. Fit as a fiddle, didn’t drink or smoke and ate a great diet. Still, that’s no justification for not being sensible. My mum died from breast cancer, 10 days before my 11th birthday. It’s probably why I’m still a bit screwed up even now, over 50 years later. It’s an awful, indiscriminate illness.


That all looks stonking Tim - congrats! You never did get that room treatment though did you!! :rofl:

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Been in just over a week so not fully warmed up / run in / whatever yet. I have been told 5-6 weeks until it is properly settled in

It did the same as the S1 pre in that when first tuned on it sounded absolutely epic - an amazing depth of field the 500 didn’t bring (Roger Waters voice on DSOTM redux so 3D, plenty of wallop at high volume (no lack of bass), but maintaining a delicious delicacy. It has been a bit up and down a bit since then - though to be fair I have been quite busy working so not glued to the sofa, and I wonder if some of the “down” might relate to it all being v revealing.

I am very pleased that it sounds really lovely at low volumes with no range lost


Room treatment? pfft - nothing a good few squishy sofas, books etc can’t handle :blush:


Seems a reasonable suggestion!

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I think I am their customer to whom they have shown least mercy!

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They are made by Oticon, but specifically for the NHS. I rang Oticon and asked them if I’d benefit from much more expensive private ones. I was told that the only difference between mine and the private ones is that the latter had more bells and whistles and to save my money, which I found pretty refreshing.

I think the fact that they were fitted in the hospital using lots of pretty sophisticated gear is what’s made the difference. In hindsight, the private fitting was pretty perfunctory but then, as the saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know. It’s all pretty random, and had I not read the post here I’d never have known that the NHS could do Cros aids. To have Rachel Unthank’s glorious singing back in my life is really something.

I’ll take @Innocent_Bystander ’s advice and pop something on the hearing aids thread, which is where it really should be.


Thank you, Tim.

I think that Simon Price’s Simplinth designs are sold (exclusively?) through Peter Swain of Cymbiosis.

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You can buy direct from Simon- we also have a salt and pepper cellar set (in oak) that we are pleased with

Something I didn’t mention above is that I am going to be buying a small Simrak custom made to take my Core and the new Phoenixnet that I got last week at the same time - a narrow one kind of shoebox width to fit between the hearth and the right speaker, to the left of the right speaker. They are just stacked on the floor at the moment which isn’t the best but I wanted to have the physical Phoenix to measure and check where the wires go (ie, if they exit right in the middle at the rear then I would not be able to have a three legged Simrak) as well as dimensions. Simon does a walnut option which will match my 808s better

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Yep that and Alzheimer’s unfortunately

No recent changes but wishing Dan all the best.


So sorry to hear of this Dan. We will be rooting for you!


Thank you Nigel - yes it sounds great (with a fair bit more to come I think). I have to confess to not using the remote at all - just use the app to control everything!

I doubt the statement streamer will be available at a price that is within budget - and there is no budget as such any more :joy:. But then none of the statement bits so far were exactly “in budget”. I daresay when the nd555 is replaced I will be interested in what comes next, but it’s nice to be at a point where I don’t need to think about six pack 350s or 3x250s in place of the 500 (“nice” seems an inadequate word)


Thanks HH