System Pics 2023

Can’t see to many complaining about that setup other than it’s not there’s. :grin:


Bloody cheek! Your life, your cash, none of our business! And given Dans news, why the hell not…


I sure it sounds wonderful and is something I could only dream of owning but there does still appear to be an upgrade path for you. :wink:

You might need to chop up a sofa to fit it in though.


Hi Dan
So sorry to hear your news and I can only admire the positivity in your outlook, I am reading your post sat on a sunny balcony in Rhodes a place I never thought I would see again when I was only given a 25% chance of ever walking again following a simple fall just over 10 years ago but here I am pretty much self propelled and enjoying life as much as I can.
I think we all take life so much for granted and we should all just take it a day at a time and enjoy the things that give us pleasure and be thankful for the love of our family and friends because that’s really all that matters.
So stay strong and enjoy your music

And to keep things on track here’s a pic of my system


Thanks for this post. I have NHS hearing aids that must be some 4-5 years old now and I have also heard that they now supply better ones. It has been on my to do list for a while to follow this up, so your post is useful info in this regard and also a spur to get on with it.

It’s all a bit of a mess atm - the new Core sat on a cajon until I get everything sorted and piles of cds while I rip through the collection (I am bringing handfuls at a time down from the loft!), but I wanted to send a pic for Dan.


Great system Hanumike

Very similar to one of mine

I assume you are running the cd5xs ad transport into nDAC and then into XPS 2 ?

In the spirit of the topic and to show some love for @Dan_M

I have actually made a system change this week so seems appropriate to share :partying_face:

Finally got some Focal stands for my Kanta 1’s.
Pondering putting a Utopik PSU in the DSM…


That looks really good, lovely and simple. I do like the look of the Kanta 1, especially on their bespoke stands. If you don’t mind me asking, have you compared the Selekt with the NSC222? The matching boxes and linked standby would be really attractive to me.

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Tee hee! I would have to chop up the piano, and my wife has reliably informed me that the piano is staying!


Every now and again I see a system and think, that would be nice to have, simple, stylish and understated. Yours is one :+1:


Again in the spirit of the thread a wishing Dan all the best…our system Accuphase E 380 amp. .Accuphase DP 450 cd…Naim Core… Proac Response db3…Atacama and Lateral stands / rack
The eagle eyed may spot the Nordost Heimdal speaker cable…but more controversially the Nordost Q Sine And Q Wave.
I was sceptical to say the least about the last two items , but on the offer of take them and try we did , and they stayed….if anyone else gets the chance to demo give it a try…. ( stands back and waits ):grin:
Once again …all the best Dan !


Indeed, does finish off the setup of the Kanta’s, they seem to sound better as well as a bonus, the old stands (Atacama) had a bit of a ring to them (not shot filled) if nothing else, adding GAIA III helped. I’m just using the stock spikes for now, may well leave it like that (through carpet in to solid concrete floor).

I have tried the NSC 222 alongside the DSM, I even did a side by side demo at my dealer last week (and had a 6 box 300 Series demo to keep my appetite whet)
They’re quite different to each other, I like both but one thing I like about the DSM is it has Space Optimisation which the NSC 222 lacks.
I’d say an Organik/Utopik spec DSM is as good a streaming preamp as the NSC 222, and achieves that in one box (the NSC 222 really benefits and shines with an NPX 300).
The DSM is more analytical and polite in presentation (mine has a Katalyst DAC and dual PSU) and needs a bit of extra volume to feel it’s pushing things, by comparison the NSC 222 is a bit more meaty and forward in presentation and perhaps a little more engaging as a result, both exhibit the brands signature sounds to that end.
Importantly they both pair very favourably with the 200 Series NAP250, both the NAP and the DSM give me long term flexibility to mix and match or evolve things further over an extended timeframe, I may well move the DSM back to being a 5.1 amp and put an NSC 222 in its place in the listening room system shown above.
I’m certainly not keen to keep adding boxes and shelves, 2 boxes (or even 1 in some cases) can achieve great things these days!


I am hesitating to contribute to system pics as anything I have is small beer to systems shown here, but the picture is more up to date than a previous picture, having sold the NAT 02 some time ago, along with other stuff (well the stuff shedding is an on-going project, but that is another matter)…

(Picture has been shown in context on another topic)

Rather it is just a matter of showing support for Dan, (and others) who face adversity.

It is easy to take so much for granted in these troubled times…


I’m more and more tempted to put together a vintage system for my office!
Lovely chrome goodness there sir.


@Stevew I also have the Accuphase E-380 integrated amplifier, great piece of kit. I see you are using an Accuphase CD player, one that is on my shortlist - just wondering if you compared it with anything else or what else you may have considered?

Hi there…to be honest other than the Accuphase SACD which I could not justify on cost grounds ( only have a few SACD ‘s ) I did not listen to any alternatives…maybe not a wise move in some peoples view…but the sound / build quality won me over on first hearing ( which came about as a result of listening to the top of the line Accuphase system ! Again completely out of reach financially…but the seed was sown… ( came from Naim Nova and CD 5si )
Could not be more happy with the purchase ! …just need to finish the cabling out ( a couple more Nordost power leads and maybe a change from the Musicworks block to the Nordost block …in the interests of completeness you understand :grin:)

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:rofl: welcome back to the black stuff! Now get up in the loft and liberate those LP’s from “storage” :+1:

Happening this pm!

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If you still got a few bob down the back of the sofa I would also recommend investing in a basic wet/dry vaccuum record cleaner. My recomendation would be the Project VCSII Alu, very effective and good value for money. I used to be a bit sceptical about record cleaning machines but now wouldnt go without one.
Enjoy the Rega 3, great turntable as many here no doubt will agree, I used to own one until I started funding Ivor Tiefunbruns pension fund.