System Pics 2023

New desktop system.



My first thought was itā€™s made by Teenage engineering. Any connections?

Hi Dan. Thoughts are with you.

My sister in law was diagnosed with liver cancer about 4 years ago. 12 rounds of Chemo - which is unspeakably bad - but full recovery as a result.

So best of luck with treatment, and yes it works !

Stay strong


I see what you mean, but not as far as Iā€™m aware.

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I committed to the TEAC NT-505-X pre and AP-505 power for the kitchen.

Like my office Luxman system, everythingā€™s A4 sized.


Oh, all the best Dan.

Hi Bevo
Yes you are correct and mighty fine it sounds too, Iā€™ve also added a HiCap DR to the SN3 since the photo and removed the Flatcap XS which has again given a lift to the performance of what was already a very capable SN3 in its bare state, probably looking at an up grade on the speaker front some time next year, I do like the Neat sound and the new Elite Classics will probably be top of the audition list but for the moment just enjoying the music.

From a full 500 series and top spec Linn LP12 system to something a bit simpler, but with all the musical enjoyment still there. In fact Iā€™d say I listen to more music now than ever before!

@Dan_M I can only echo the thoughts and best wishes of so many others in hoping for a successful outcome to whatever treatment awaits you.



Hereā€™s an UPDATED pic for you Dan.
New Nordost cable arrived for the CDT > NDX2 connection. Sadly the 2 ports were as far apart as they could be, therefore the cable was 30-40cmā€™s to short!:man_facepalming:t2:
Quick switcheroo and weā€™re back in business.

Consequently, it resulted in all the Naim kit being on the Fraim and all the non-Naim kit being on the TT standšŸ˜Š


I donā€™t think I replied to you before now - sorry about that! Yes, sounding really fabulous, though the Phoenix needs a few weeks to warm up as do the statement power amps. Should be more of everything (yikes!) this time next month


What an amazing system. You must be thrilled, I know I am with mine and it is positively modest compared to yours.
Iā€™ve really enjoyed the process/journey to get here, with the possible exception of the Dynaudio error. Such lovely speakers, just couldnā€™t get them to work in this space. Each change felt closer at the outset, but it quickly became obvious that the issues were still there.
Never mind, Iā€™m very happy now and I would hazard a guess that you are toošŸ˜Š


Wishing you and your family the very best Dan.

Ha ha, yes happy - was a bit nervous before the statement power amps arrived but now they are installed the sound is wall to wall lovely and I am very pleased indeed.

I have even (and I hope this isnā€™t projection / wishful thinking) found that the level of reproduction is, at its best, at the level of ā€œmagicā€ that I have only ever heard once before in 23 years of Naim ownership which was at the Manchester airport show in 2004 I think (maybe 2005) when the n-system including nVi was launched - the ā€œmagicā€ was in the main room from DBLs I think active with three 500s. Nothing I have heard since has ever got near that (though of course my memory cannot be relied on at 20 year iI suppose) but I think maybe this can be - and it is sounding much better than I have heard the statement at various shows over the years (usually with focal speakers but once last year with B&W)

As I say, hope I am not imagining it but have not thought of the ā€œmagicā€ level until this week


Dear Mike_S,
Itā€™s actually a very old converted farmhouse in north Dordogne, so not the Chilterns!
The ā€œeggā€ is a, sadly broken, amphora from an ancient shipwreck, left in the house by its previous artist residents. I seem to have all of the fragments, so perhaps one day Iā€™ll put it back together again. Thatā€™s the theory anyway!
Best wishes,
Brian D.


To me they still have that something from the old kitā€¦ā€¦that the new does not haveā€¦ā€¦.somewhere in between. The best of both worldsšŸ‘


Dear Dan_M,
Iā€™m very sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Itā€™s bad news, no doubt.
However, your positive approach really does fill me (and, Iā€™m sure, others) with admiration. Iā€™m sure that there will be some difficult days, but youā€™re clearly a very tough cookie and weā€™re all rooting for you!
Best wishes,
Brian D.

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The NC styling works well with the Linn kit - good to know :grinning:

I must say, I have only ever heard a Statement system once, at Signals. It was connected to a pair of Dynaudio Confidence 60ā€™s I believe.
I wasnā€™t blown away by it to be honest. Alistair said that it had been turned off and moved and as a result it wasnā€™t truly back up to full operating conditions, but I think the room had a part to play in the sub par performance.
These things are so sensitive it is a challenge just to keep them in the right conditions for optimum performance.
I certainly wouldnā€™t want to be the one to have to move a full statement rigšŸ«£

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Not much changes here (apart from a NAIT50 in my office)

@Dan_M Your positive attitude in regard to your latest news puts a lot of things into perspective. I wish you all the best with your treatment going forward :crossed_fingers:


Dan - Wishing you strength, fortitude and good luck with your current health challenge. Keep up that attitude - it will hold you in good stead. Here by means of recognition is CDS3 offering you a tip of the lidā€¦