System Pics 2023

I think your SL2 with 2x 300DR was pretty magical :wink:

Pics from the show you mentioned with Statement into B+W from the Acoustica show last yearā€¦


At home with 552/500 my system sounded better than that. I think it was when the s1 pre was turned on for the first time here (so that I had a system the same as being used in the Kudos room at the same show) that I first appreciated what the s1 pre brought


There are a few systems here that no doubt sound as good as they look and that would include your setup James, and that of @Dan_M

Dan, your attitude is awesome!


You also have the prefect foundations with your farmhouse flag stone floor and solid stone walls.

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Whatever happens next, Itā€™s not my fault :partying_face:
Iā€™m sure Jack at Audiobarn would be happy to have a conversation about NAPā€™s with you :grin:

They do get on with each other surprisingly well, I had my head set on this being a stop gap till I went back to a full Naim setup again but realistically, itā€™s not too shabby as is and is easy on the ear.

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Love the look and proportions of those ProAcā€™s.

Rory Gallagher replica strat?

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Thanksā€¦they do seem to perform well above what you might expect from their stature.

@Dan_M ā€“ Very sorry to hear the news. All I can say is, one must make of life what we can, when we can, for the ability to see tomorrow hasnā€™t yet been invented (other than by Hollywood and Jules Verne). To which end, they say success is where preparation meets opportunity, or in my case dumb luck in the context of the pic below ā€“ very ā€˜pre-lovedā€™ BTW, a system mix of green/white and pesky blue (thanks Linn and BT), the Linn PS turned-off as itā€™s like a laser pen. Thereā€™s a bit of a tale behind this too, with a chapter of severe learnings about my room and a debt of honour to a dealer which remains o/s ā€“ perhaps the subject of a separate thread. All I can say is, the S-word is a stunning piece of kit, even caged-up in a small-ish listening space, especially if you like your music at the visceral end of the spectrum as I do.


Good spot! Yep, thatā€™s right. Fender Custom Shop, it plays very well.

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Hi @Dan_M
Sorry for your news.
My wife has just gotten over breast cancer.
Hopefully my system photos have come out.



Thank you so much everyone for your support. I am continuing with life as normal. Been working hard laying concrete strip foundations. Now listening to system. Sounds wonderful.


Ffsā€¦ Fella im so sorry. Wishing you and yours all the bestā€¦ Stay strong :+1:

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Iā€™m very sorry to hear of your illness Dan.

Take care and keep enjoying your music.



Every day alive is a great day. Life is a gift no matter how hard things can be.

I am grateful for what I have and am determined to live a long life. If thatā€™s not the case then so be it.

I will never give up. I am positive about the future and will enjoy each day no matter what!

Enjoying the system pics coming in. You all have wonderful systems. We are all very lucky to have what we have.


Fantastic system and three stacks like me. Bet it sounds amazing!

How are you getting on with Technics? Very fine turntable. Unlike LP12 it has the advantage that you canā€™t upgrade it!

Wow ā€¦ first I thought that it is picture from a shop.
I do Not want to imagine how nd555 (2ps) - full statement - 808 will sound. Donā€™t want to know :joy:
Happy listeningā€¦ at this the dealer should offer 24/7 service turning every Vinyl for you :smiling_face:

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