System Pics 2023

ah ha. That’s the secret!
Fish, veggies and rice are ordinary japanese diet staples. :rice_ball: :tea:

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Good stuff HH, does this put you on the upgrade path again as your ears can handle more sound!

Despite lack of system pictures this thread is a great read, not many forums have this level of emotional intelligence.

Wishing well to all and thank you for making this forum a good place.




Hi HH, I wear two NHS hearing aids and about 6 years ago I asked how much they valued them at, the Audiologist said they were approx. £130 to £150 each to buy, but the overall value was considered to be at £1500 each to cover future maintenance, retubing etc, just goes to show!!

Hi Dan, my cancer is only Prostate, the severity of which I have to have a further operation which is mid November, so as I say, doesn’t compare with what you’ve gone through/going through, but still frightening enough, so I cant begin to know how you must feel, try and keep strong young man!


It doesn’t put me on an upgrade path, but it did cause me to reflect on whether I’d have sold the 272/555/300/SL2 setup it had before my hearing loss. That system, with SL cables throughout, and the excellent MusicWorks mains setup, was very, very good. But if I’d kept that I know I’d have been looking at the new classics, and on and on it goes. But with the Nova I just don’t seriously consider upgrades, and I suspect that level of contentment is what leads to my happiness with it. I’m beyond the stage of having a massive hifi shrine in the sitting room, I just don’t want it any more. My free hearing aids have given me a bigger uplift than dropping thousands on new electronics.


That’s pretty much as I thought it might be.

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Very sorry to hear this

I would just like to echo Nigel’s comments

best wishes


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I hope to reach that state someday. I do get the feeling that most of my upgrade urges are stress and work related. I am hoping for a simple life if I ever retire.

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Ha, retirement has given me more time to plan upgrades. :grinning:

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Hi Dan I’m so sorry hope to see your posts for years to come. Glad you have a close family that will be there for you. Best wishes take care.


Having progressed from a Mu So start to full 500 the thing I’ve noticed is that every stage, especially the ND555 with two PS, made a considerable improvement to sound quality.
The problem is that after a while the new, much improved sound, becomes the normal unnoticed sound and I often wonder if I should have stopped at Nova Special 40s!


I have previously posted system pics of both my main system (cost a lot of money) and my single box plus turntable study system. I would say at the moment I’m getting as much pleasure from the study system. No it’s not as good but it’s very engaging (the Nait 50 is a gem).


Great news Nigel - That’s a good result all round !

It has been a while since I posted anything in the picture thread, so here goes. System is now in its new home. Ignore the “smudges” on the carpet. They are actually due to a damaged lens on the iPhone which is, after 5 years of service, due for replacement! :slightly_smiling_face:


That looks very smart, and a nice open aspect through the French windows. The giant bobbins look interesting.


@Dan_M sending you all the positive energy from the Netherlands and I hope you pull through.

NDX2 Connected to Kora tb-200 amp and living voice Avatar R4 loudspeakers.


System update… New speakers in place. Already sounding great… ProAc D20Rs. Otherwise no changes. That’s it for a while… Let the settling in begin.


There’s nothing new in my main system, but I just looked up from my iPad to see the sun catching the LP12. This is for @Dan_M, sending you positive energy and my best wishes for a positive outcome.


Hi everyone, thanks so much for the pics and messages you have sent. I really appreciate the support. I am feeling fit and well and continuing as normal.

I think the positive is it has brought us as a group and forum closer. I am seeing alot of kindness.

And there have been no arguments ! :grin:

I am doing well. Listening to Pantera at the moment. And this is why fans on 135s can kick in.