System Pics 2023

Nice one Tim… It looks fantastic and I bet it sounds even better!

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Please do tell us more - that little upgrade surely warrants a wee thread…???


I’m not sure it does, and Tim is very wise to keep it low key. Moving from a 500 series to Statement is really no different from moving from say a Nova to a 222/250, but brings with a lot of potential for negativity, as well as the unwarranted and very likely unwelcome fawning and admiration. We are all very fortunate to own nice systems, irrespective of how deep our pockets are, with which I’m sure Tim will agree.


Thanks Nigel. When I had a thread about the S1 pre I found that some people very clearly thought I was a complete idiot, and should have spent £x instead on building a room for not as good a system, or should have spent months researching and buying non-Naim equipment, or (insert other idea). Some views were expressed in a downright rude manner, I thought. Some people were overbearing and kept saying the same things over and over again. Some people made completely unwarranted assumptions which it became extremely tedious correcting. I just don’t need that kind of negativity thanks very much.

Just posting in here has been very pleasant indeed

I am also terrible at any kind of verbal description of changes in sound so not sure anybody would learn anything other than confirmation that moving further up the Naim ladder provides reassuringly significant improvements in quality. As they should given the fairly extravagant cost :person_shrugging:

I am perfectly content with what I have spent and what it has achieved - with more to come in a few weeks (I am a bit surprised that the cooling fins on the power amps are always a bit warm! Good job we have solar and wind generation :blush:)


Deleted, please remove.


I think it’s great @TimOopNorth. Great that someone in here has made it all the way to boss level. I don’t understand why anyone would be negative about that but there you go.
It looks great in your setting and i would probably have to be dragged off to my bed to sleep every few days. We’ll done you!!


I’ve never heard Statement but I’m oop North, could you possibly turn it up there’s a chance I’ll hear it :wink: It must sound amazing. Can’t really imagine how amazing tbh. Job done, as they say.


I don’t understand the criticism of, or sniping at, someone who has achieved a high level of equipment such as your good self. Sure there are a myriad different things the money could have been spent on but isn’t that true of everything? All of us contributors on this site fall into a position somewhere between modest means and wealthy. We need to respect each other and not make judgements.

There are many opinions that I disagree with and many threads regarding cables and switches etc. that go way beyond my level of comfort. However, I do not feel the need to comment and would rather leave the threads to the people who will actually gain from them.

If I cannot contribute in a positive way, (not necessarily agreeing) then I won’t bother.

Your system seems incredible and long May you enjoy it!


Well said!

As I think I read earlier, my room, my money my choice!

Great achievement @TimOopNorth , congratulations on a wonderful room, incredible equipment spent with your money!!!

  • @Dan_M , what a wonderful inspiration you are. In a world where it feels like it’s imploding I read your positive post and journey your on. Your children are so lucky to have such a strong and loving dad, what struck me was your glass is definitely half full my friend! The world would do well to take a leaf out of your book!
    Well said to all forum participants with words of encouragement, and support with respect to Dan. Restores one’s faith.

Anyway, back to the pics!!


It’s a shame that people can’t/don’t feel comfortable discussing their findings, especially when it relates to an upgrade that few will ever make. I do understand what you’re saying though and the justifications for your comments are all too obvious unfortunately.

I am not in that camp and wish you all the best with your “full set” :+1:


I think it’s just trial and error. That’s quite an old picture and I settled on F1. Honestly, I find it hard to tell any real discernible difference between the filter settings. The Rossini/Vivaldi is a fantastic source though. I had a ND555/555PS before, but this is on a totally different level.


I never really get why people get so intense about what is only a stereo system…

Mind you I occasionally look at some comments on other fora to which I do not subscribe, and tbh this forum seems pretty civilised compared to some of them where people seem almost apoplectic that someone else’s turntable/tonearm can’t adjust VTA “on the fly”.

Having said that, if I was @TimOopNorth, and I was getting rinsed on here, I would think “jog on”. I have said before, my posts here are pretty anodyne: if you have anything to say, make it constructive, or don’t say it


Very nice system Dan.
Im sure its sound very good. you made a long way. Enjoy the music . Its all the matter.


Nine months ago I switched from a 10 years old T&A receiver with Gauder speakers to Gryphon Diablo 300, Gryphon Scorpio CD player, Naim NDX2 and Naim Core for ripping my CD collection. Speakers are Marten Parker Duo. I am very satisfied with this system. The Gryphon is a fantastic amp with the Martens. Cables are Kondo Operia silver.


Hi Tim,

The better the system you have can cause some people to feel jealous and envious. They get upset and think that their system isn’t good enough I guess.

I can only think how wonderful it would be to have such a system as yours and I can imagine how much enjoyment and fulfilment it brings.

With my system when it’s all working well it provides me with huge enjoyment and pleasure.

Don’t let them get to you. You deserve your system and I am sure you have worked bloody hard to get there.

All the best,



Yeah, I literally can’t wrap my mind around that kind of covetous resentment. As you said, I am sure Tim busted his butt for years to be able to afford such a wonderful system.


Or he could be born into wealth and never had to do a great deal. We don’t know, and nor do we need to. It’s not important. But it can create problems and be seen as willy waving, hence the sense in being discreet.

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I hope we all get enjoyment from our systems, whether single box Nova or multi box Statement. Personally, I’m always interested to see other people’s systems and rooms, the environment in which they enjoy their music. There’s a distinct lack of willy waving within the Systems Pic threads which makes it a very pleasant browse.


Inheritance? My stepmother is still living in my inheritance I’ll have you know!


Exactly right, James. It’s the rooms that are the best bit. I’ve often noticed that it’s the little systems that get the most positive comments, rather than the towers of power, which are the ones you’d perhaps expect. Certainly nobody has been remotely negative about my little setup, quite the opposite.