System Pics 2023

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Dear TimOopNorth,

I didn’t see it at the time, but I’m very sorry to hear that there were people who were negative - or worse - about your system. That really is a shame. Recent posts on this thread show just how positive, supportive and generous forum members can be. The general vibe of the forum is around the theme of sharing - information, feelings, thoughts, enthusiasms, dilemmas and advice. Jealously, “what-about-ery” and snootiness really don’t belong here and, actually, they aren’t all that common. I see references to “willy waving” (what an awful phrase - please, no more!), but it’s really not something I see very often.

Recently, I returned from a trip to look at art. Like music, experiencing art might be described as a transcendental experience - something not measured by money, or time, or calories, or miles or …, but which enriches us in myriad ways. For some to have criticised you on one or any of these criteria seems to suggest that they have missed the point entirely. Whilst their comments may have been hurtful, they really are best set to one side. I’m certain that the vast majority of readers will have been supportive and positive - even if they didn’t express it.

Best wishes,

Brian D.


I really enjoy reading your posts and your system I’m sure sounds superb. Not everyone on this forum has a main Hifi dealer nearby and my nearest dealer is over two hours away. Therefore, it’s really interesting to read reviews of Naim equipment as I very much doubt I will have the opportunity to hear a Naim Statement system. It’s also interesting to note that we all endeavour to get closer to the music and performance. I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future. Thankyou



My Mum who lost our husband/dad at an early age and had to go back to full time work to support her 2 boys. She had a small windfall and spent it all on a top Linn LP12 with active isobaric’s speakers and a top Nakamichi tape deck. We all thought she was mad but enjoyed sharing her joy.

It brought her so much joy, she never had that much money and still had to work to her dying day when she passed way with Cancer, also at an early age.

You have to take your joy when you can, I also spent too much on mine but I had to bring that LP12 back to top spec!

I’m 4 days behind on all these posts but wanted to wish you all the best and like everyone else will be thinking positively for your recovery.



Hi Dan M
I ve been following your posts over the last few months as your system was similar to mine in many ways. Read your message earlier in the week regarding your health and I’d just like to wish you all the best for the future.


Interesting that a certain national chain chose to pair them with the Nait 50 for a special offer .

I hope PMC have a hit on their hands , they look very “pro” orientated and that to me is a good thing .


Iam perfectly content with what I have spent and what it has achieved,

Tim that is all that matters as long as you are happy ;; what ever anyone thinks or says it boils down to if you think you made the right decision and choice that is all that matters.


How they sounding compared to your ATC’s Phil?


Whoops, I think you may have to re-post ?

The reason I took an interest in the PMC Prodigy is that I have Harbeth P3ESR and a Nait50 , also a UnitiQute 2 , which I would never dream of attaching to the Harbeths. The Prodigy seems much easier to drive

Nobody needs that sort of negativity . I am a long standing critic of our MP and her party , yet the abuse she suffered made her go to the police and to her great surprise I wrote in support of her.

This forum is small - and as I was saying in the thread drift thread we speak to each on varying issues , it’s not like Facebook or the old Yahoo forum where it is anonymous .

We have even been known to meet up

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Thanks again for all your messages of support. I am continuing as normal. I have 2 of my 4 kids with me this weekend. And some new friends coming over tomorrow for food and drinks. Should be a lovely weekend. The last week following the news on tuesday has been okay. Been doing by building stuff as normal. Heavy work. Probably best thing for my health. Keeping fit and young ! Thanks guys. Keep the faith. Everything always turns out right. I am sending my love and best wishes out to all of you. You are all great and have wonderful systems.

Treat everyone with kindness and consideration and the best things will come to you all.


The Prodigy 1’s really interest me. Let us know how you get on with them.

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So, at what level should a person not post on system pics? (I feel sure that wasn’t your meaning, or at least I think not, but that would be the practical application of the no “willy-waving” concept.)

As for discreetness, many wealthy people inhabit this forum - look at the car thread or even see the homes in which some of these systems are. I guess he could put the system behind a curtain and say, “I have a nice Naim system behind the curtain, but I can’t let you see it in the interest of discretion.”

Again, I am not chiding you or your post; just asking how that works, practically speaking.


There is obviously no answer to that. Everyone should be able to post. Tim did it beautifully, and it’s perhaps my fault that this discussion has developed. Live and let live, but don’t wave your willy!!


Interesting. I thought you didn’t get on with the twenty5.21i, which on paper is the better speaker, when you tried them. Is the Prodigy different sounding?

Very nice system. I think the Marten Parker Duo sound wonderful. I have only heard the Oscar Duo, which I found excellent with a very transparent sound. They draw the listener directly into the sound. I think the Parkers go one better. Enjoy.


Friday night and time for spinning some records on the Feickert turntable.

Same system as before, but now with two HiCap DR on the 282. No complaints! The Superline waits patiently for a Supercap DR…


Dear HH and DrMark,

What did I say about that dreadful WW phrase? Stop it! Just stop it!!

Brian D.