System Pics 2023

Thanks, Wilfried. I had the chance to compare both speakers against each other and indeed the Parker Duo were the winner without any doubt.


IME this kind of issue has its cause within your network Dan. The fact that it’s happening with two different Naim devices says to me it’s not those devices responsible. Most of the time it’s the router either not playing nicely with your setup or having some kind of incompatibility. Alternatively, it could be how you’ve got it all wired up.
If practical, maybe start by running the streamer on Bluetooth instead of hardwired for a while and see if that solves the problem?

Wise words Tim.

I must admit I missed the negativity about your recent acquisition but I am not surprised, even though generally speaking this is a polite and respectful place.

The shame is that you have been put off posting and there are many decent forumites who are genuinely interested in top notch Naim systems. C’est la vie.

Maybe you can drip feed your thoughts on passive threads. In the meantime simply enjoy the music on your wonderful system.


I made a slight modification to the transport. It’s making a huge difference, equivalent to a black box upgrade.


I’d like to remind members to please abide by forum rules and refrain from posting animated GIFs. Thanks.


I’ll be listening in earnest today…

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Today is listening day! :grinning:

Hi HH - I had the older 20.21 , and these are a very different speaker, more bass, more open and less sharp.

IMO - On the whole, the PMC Twenty5 range seem to be a bit more forward (compared to other speaker brands), is the Prodigy voiced differently?

p.s. @Hifi-dog what did you think of the 6 box 300 series demo, with ATC 50’ s the other night .

Thank you, I’ll be very interested by your comments

I’m so sorry to read your message, as someone who has been dealing with my wife’s breast cancer for about two and a half years, I certainly understand your feeling, All I can tell you,is, keep positive and keep that fighting attitude. Wish you all the best.
this is my updated system-


Thoroughly enjoyed it. The addition of the power supplies was clear but I did find it a bit to much through the 250 , until the 350’s were added which brought it all together. The passive 50’s I thought were faultless.
Re the prodigy’s they seem a bit warmer in balance compared to the 25/21i … extended listening today compared to Ls50’s


Agreed. Really enjoyed the 50’s. Probably the best I’ve heard those speakers, as yet.

Happy listening. After all, it’s all about the music :wink:


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How would you describe the differences? I’ve been thinking about the Parker Duo, yet my Oscar Duos are so easy and friendly to drive and, as Wilfried says, they draw you into the music - like nothing else I’ve had before. Not sure how my NC250 would drive the Parkers?

Is that all animated GIFs or just sexually explicit ones?

All GIFs. The rules are clear here;

…please do not post any GIFs (or use a GIF as an avatar), as they can cause stress and even seizures for people with certain forms of epilepsy.

If you wish to understand more about the risks that animated GIFs can pose, then google ‘photosensitive epilepsy’.


Is that a Naim Dac in the bottom left hand corner of the first image?

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Oh ha, no, I think that’s the back of a CB 62.

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Pmc prodigy 1’s in the house… they will be staying… ls50’s will be up for sale…


Well done sir.
As I mentioned on Thursday, I absolutely loved them when I heard them fronting a Nait 50 a few weeks ago.
I must confess to a touch of jealousy :wink:

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