System Pics 2023

Is that a single or pair of RELs?
What did it/they add?

Hope the vibrations arenā€™t upsetting the wine.

I wonder if itā€™s worth trying the twenty5.21i again, just in case. Youā€™ve been through a few speakers since getting the Nova and it would be good to be really sure. The Prodigy does look ok, albeit slightly industrial, but no more so than black ATCs I suppose.

I canā€™t run to the 25.21i unfortunately and the recent swaps have only been in the low hundreds

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Does can mean canā€™t?

Hi Garcon, honestly, you should try to listen to both at a dealer which I had the opportunity to do here in Brussels. The Parker Duo had overall a more refined character in all categories during that session. Thatā€™s why I opted for the Parker Duo. But at home, limited to one pair of speakers, one can easily be happy with the Oscars as well. Finally they both are Marten speakers!


Sorry yesā€¦ edited

Got myself a Mu-so 2 today! Will serve as kitchen/dining room system. My wife thinks the big rig is too complex and she is right. Was a breeze to install and operate and sounds OK and surprisingly ā€œfullā€ and musical. Does anyone have experience of burn-in? Does the sound improve much over time?


@Dan_M, I had no intention to post this. Your journey, your inspiration has united this thread. Here is my pic, our passionā€¦music.

@TimOopNorth i concur with you.




You Statement owners are a secretive bunch. Lovely system, Dusty :sunglasses:


I like that, it shows a modicum of modesty and avoids bitchy responses.


Clearly the picture was taken during your Blue periodā€¦ Just a little Picaso joke, Iā€™ll get my coat.

You may benefit (or not) from switchless or unswitched wall sockets and in saying that I also fall into that category as something I need to sort out.


This isnā€™t a snipe btw and it looks amazing but Iā€™m always curious about those who place large speakers so close to their kit, considering the lengths Naim go to with isolation plus the fraim etc, surely itā€™s not ideal?

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Puritan Ultimate power cable? I love the flexibility of that cable. Iā€™m curious in how they sound on naim boxes in comparison to Powerline. Currently have the standard version into my Puritan 156.

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I was going to say just that then thought is it worth the incoming trying to help. :thinking: :wink:


The S1 PCB boards are isolated on springs but I suppose it also depends what kind of floor the speakers are on, if you have concrete/stone or Townshend podiums (or similar) I donā€™t suppose it would matter.


Wonderful system! The contrast to my Mu-so post just before is striking. What a range Naim has!


On an internet forum? You astound me.



Beg your pardon. It was a CB Nait 2.

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