System Pics 2023

Am I just meant to treat it as acceptable then? Without any kind of observation or complaint? Weary acceptance will not do


None of the above. I was sympathising with your situation, though I appreciate it might have read as ā€˜suck it up, princessā€™. That absolutely wasnā€™t the tone I had in my head!


That just looks so good Dusty. The Statement stack is so well judged visually. It says ā€˜seriously high endā€™ with subtlety and without bravado or macho brutalism. Lovely.
The rhyming silver slice on the 808ā€™s just adds a visual coherence to the whole system.
Looks sensational and Iā€™m sure sounds even more so!


When you are on vacation Dusty is it an AirBnB :wink:


Enjoying a lovely evening listening to a lovely hifi system. Mono blocks x 300 driving atc scm40


Is that a single or pair of RELs?
What did it/they add

Yes, itā€™s is a pair of s510ā€™s

I had some specific room issues and in my room they are definitely worth it.

With a pair it pressurises the room, quite uncanny the effect they have. As mad as it sounds the ATC 40a with rel subs worked better in my room than ten 50ā€™s ā€¦ā€¦


Iā€™ve always liked the Cyrus racks. But at the same time wondered why they didnā€™t put the upright round the back and incorpirate cable management. Seems like obvious low hanging fruit.

Itā€™s still the nicest way to stack Cyrus though.


You mean that people can really misinterpret your meaning or tone on an internet forum? ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.interesting, interesting :joy:


Gosh, weā€™re all learning a lot right now, arenā€™t we?

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@Dan_M Iā€™m a bit slow to the party, keep up the positiveness mate. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2021, radiotherapy in 2022 and been having some good feedback i.e. PSA 0.08 and then in February 2023 was diagnosed with bladder cancer which came out of nowhere, operation and chemo done and one follow up clear. Just building up to the next 6 monthly checkups. I love your attitude and you are going to have good days and bad days, but this forum is a great place to be.

Here is mine from the listening position complete with Amazon slippers and I bet not too many forum members have Scansonic speakers on the end of Naim. Excuse the dodgy iPhone pic.




Hi @Zupfgeiger I would be interested to hear more about your Marten Parker Duo speakers. How would you describe their presentation?

I congratulated Tim on the telephone shortly after he took delivery of the lovely S2ā€™s. Iā€™m glad that you decided to divulge your purchase on the forum Tim. The haters arenā€™t relevant as people or forum contributors and thankfully there are plenty of good guys posting who will not have a problem salivating over your system and or will be completing satisfied with what they own. Letā€™s face it there are many 30 year old Naim systems out there still bringing great musical joy to their owners. You owing full statement doesnā€™t diminish that any way. Iā€™m slumming it with a NAP500 but feel privileged to own what I have. Still hate you you greedy sod :joy: :wink: :+1:.


on the contrary. The vibrations benefit the contents of the bottles :wink:

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Hope all the check ups go well Timbo and itā€™s nice to see a music collection on display and not hidden away.


I think @Blackbird was trying to ask you this question.

I believe he silently replied yes with a :green_heart:

Mmm very interesting, HiFi Choice did a review of all their major competitors in this month, Spendor, Falcon, ProAc etc All came out as being very strong , including your soon to be departed KEFs

i.e the usual suspects , a shame these werenā€™t in it

As I mentioned somewhere a high street chain is pairing these with a Nait 50 , my guess is that these are equally aimed at the pro-market , hence the simple finish

My living room would look a lot tidier without my dog and music collection but I wouldnā€™t want to be without either. (Pic of system somewhere in there)


He/she looks bored @igahman


They are domestic speakers based on pro model and the pricing point is reflected by the simple black finish. Same as the Atc finish.

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